Chapter 2

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Olivia felt drained. She didn't have too much joy to steal, but the dementors still took something precious.

Instinctually, she pulled the chocolate bar out of her pocket. The sweetness washed over her tongue, warming her insides with joy.

"Huh, that chocolate really was worth it." she thought to herself, savoring the dessert.

Luna had already gathered her things and left, eagerly skipping down through the train. Olivia straightened herself up and grabbed her plain robes, hoping she'd done everything right. She made her way towards the door.

The chocolate didn't completely reverse the effect of the dementors. Her legs were still shaky and her body felt weak.

When Olivia stepped off the train, her right leg gave out and she fell. She closed her eyes, anticipating the cold ground but a strong arm caught her.

"Oi! Ar yeh alright?" said a large man with a concerned smile.

Olivia nodded, "I'm fine, thank you."

She straightened and brushed off her shoulders as if it could wipe away her embarrassment.

"It's no problem. I'm Hagrid. I'll be teachin' care of magical creatures this year. I'm leading the first-years and new students to the castle. Older students go that way," he said pointing to a dirt path that students were walking down.

Olivia shrugged her shoulders. "Well then, it seems like I'm in the right place. I'm new, you see."

Almost as an afterthought, she added, "I'm Olivia, by the way. Olivia Sparks."

Hagrid smiled, "Alright then, follow me Miss Sparks."

Hagrid herded the jittery first years into a somewhat organized mob before separating them onto boats that would take them across the Black Lake from Hogsmeade Station to Hogwarts. A troop of boats sat on the edge of the lake, looking like a herd of wild animals. As they set off with Hagrid in the lead, the rest followed like obedient ducklings.

As one of only two new students that year, Olivia had the privilege of a boat that was first-year free. Considering the amount of rocking and squealing coming from the other vessels, Olivia was very grateful.

Across from her sat a girl with sharp, excited eyes and hair black as night. She cocked her head and smiled.

"So you're the other new girl. I'm Aiko. Just transferring from Ilvermorny. You?"

"I'm Olivia. I up from a coma," Olivia stated bluntly, tired of explaining her entire backstory to everyone she met.

Aiko stared for a second, then grinned. "Well, that was unexpected. I think I like you already."

A yell from Hagrid had both girls turning their heads. A hush fell over the small convoy of magical boats. Out of the misty darkness, the castle had appeared.

Shining from the windows, light reflected off the lake. It looked like a mirror. The night sky was dark blue and full of stars. Together, the scene looked like a painting.

A question popped into Olivia's head. She turned back to Aiko, who was staring at the school with a satisfied smile.

"Why exactly do they bring us across the lake? Why not just have us go by carriage with everyone else?"

Aiko smirked. "First of all, this is the best view of the castle. Second, it initiates you into the school's magical barrier so you can actually see it. The wards ensure that muggles don't go wandering in. We just passed through the barrier, that's why we can see it. Oh yeah, it also establishes the Trace. It helps the ministry keep track of all magic you do. But," she leaned in conspiratorially and whispered, "I've got a way around that."

She pulled a small pocket watch out of her pocket. "This acts as a barrier against the Trace. It's a handy little trinket, you know. Can't have those nosy little ministry puppets breathing down my neck. I was worried it would prevent the initiation, but it didn't! Supposed to work on anything within six feet. The others are too far away so they'll already be Traced up good, but it might have worked on you since you're so close. Sorry,"

"No, no. It's fine. It's not like I'm any good with a wand. Besides, that watch is amazing," Olivia shook her head, stunned.

"Good. So let's just keep this between us," Aiko declared with a wink. Olivia grinned back.

The ride was smooth, unnaturally so. Olivia knew that magic had to be behind it. She didn't hate it, though. If it had been rocky, Olivia certainly wouldn't have been able to keep down the contents of her lunch.

A sloshing sound came from her right. She turned her head, frowning at the sight of a few first years rocking the boat. They seemed to be having fun. Part of Olivia wanted to smile at the antics, but the logical part of her told her that this could only end badly. Indeed, not a minute later, a shriek echoed. A boy had fallen in. The other first years on the boat struggled to pull him back onto the boat. Watching them was wildly entertaining.

When they arrived at the shore, they were greeted by Professor McGonagall, who seemed quite on edge. Her demeanor changed from anxious to angry when she beheld the sopping student. A furious McGonagall reprimanded the group of first years, who turned as red as beets. She sniffed, flicking her wand to dry the boy, then led the group to the Great Hall.

Cheers erupted as they walked through, but Olivia's eyes were stunned by the sight before her. The hall was enormous, yet warm at the same time. Candles floated in the air, illuminating the space with candlelight. Students sat together in merriment.

Walking towards the front, Olivia felt out of place. She and Aiko clearly stood out. They were taller than the first years. When she looked over at Aiko, however, Olivia saw that the girl didn't even notice that people were looking at her. So, Olivia squared her shoulders and did her best to do the same.

What seemed like hours later, the first years were sorted. Olivia adjusted her robes at the back of the line.

Aiko leaned over and asked, "What's got you so wound up?"

"I don't know. I think I just don't want to be stared at by the entire school," Olivia shrugged.

"By the time they get to us, no one will be paying attention."

Aiko was right. The first years took a while to sort. By the time Aiko was sorted into Gryffindor, the students barely noticed. Everyone was too busy welcoming the first-years and chatting about the new year.

Olivia walked forward and sat, letting Dumbledore set the sorting hat on her head.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here," a voice said inside her head.

Olivia barely flinched, trying to keep her mind silent.

"What'll it be? What'll it be?" the hat hummed.

"Slytherin, Hufflepuff, or Gryffindor, dear?"

Deciding to continue the hat's little rhyme, Olivia replied, "What'll it be? What'll it be? I can't wait to find out, I've nothing to fear,"

The hat was silent for a moment. Then, it let out a booming laugh.

"This one would fit in any house. Clever little thing. Better be... Ravenclaw!"

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