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The air was almost chilly in contrast to the summer heat that usually settles onto the world during the daytime. The sun went down roughly an hour ago, yet this part of the coastwise town was lively as ever; if anything, it was the prime time of life and business. People of the most diverse backgrounds turned up here seeking sexual release, conduct not-so-legal deals or get shit faced. Youngsters with no future came like flies to rotting meat, hoping to make it big under one of the mob lords or captains.

The Little Duck was one of those nodes. The place was your typical brothel; two stories of pure filth. Moans filtering from upstairs, while the ground floor was the playground of loud drunkards, dealers who were always accompanied by a cloud of smoke and the ever so intimidating company of pirates. There in the corner, however, sat an adolescent guy belonging to none of those categories.     

He was twirling a strand of dry grass between his fingers while observing the lively bunch at the neighboring table. A single mug of beer sat in front of him untouched. With his back hunched over the table, he had that relaxed, bored aura surrounding him. Jungkook, on the other hand, was harboring a whole swarm of nervous energy behind his calm exterior. He obviously was trying to muster up the courage. The courage to walk over to the table where the quartermaster of the only pirate ship currently docking at their little town was recruiting.

When he accidentally made eye-contact with the captain’s right hand, Jungkook’s eyes snapped down to the foam on top of his beer. He looked like he was considering chugging the whole down and shout ‘fuck it’.

Doing no such a thing he carefully pushed his chair back as he stood up and stepped around his table. Before he could have actually took a step towards the pirates’ table an old man called out to him.

“Yer ain’t drinkin’ that?”

Surprised to be addressed Jungkook halted to look at the man. He was a pirate if his forearm tattoos were any giveaway. Despite the dozen of empty mugs at his elbow, the senior pirate didn’t seem drunk at all. Jungkook decided to humor him.

“It’s all yours.”

The old man’s face lit up at that, flashing a toothless grin towards Jungkook. He expectantly reached his hands out towards him. Jungkook was about to growl that he can get it himself if he really wants that drink but then the old man shifted in his seat and Jungkook saw; the pirate was missing both of his legs from mid-thigh. Taking pity on him Jungkook handed him the beer, albeit tensely.

“Thank yer boy, yer made this
ol’ bird’s night right there.”

He raised his mug towards Jungkook and took a thirsty gulp. The young man took it as his cue to leave.  

“I hadn’ seen a lad so stiff as yer before. One woulda think yer about to put yer dinner on tha floor,” The old man observed out loud. Jungkook wished he could ignore the comment but something prevented him from leaving.

“Maybe I don’t have anything in my stomach to throw up in the first place,” he bit out, rather frustrated. The pirate let his eyebrows travel up at his tone, unfazed. He gazed between the young man and the recruiting table, quickly putting one and one together.

“ Blimey! I see...yer wanna join handses with Blunder the Sly,” the handicapped man drawled suddenly with a tone of utter disgust, “That scallywag ‘s nothin’ but a humbug. He ain’t got nothin’ on real pirates. But.. if that’s what yer really want I shan’t hol’ yer up longer.”

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