Burning Bridges

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Adult Content Warning ♡

Yoongi found that one can get used to good changes at an alarming rate. It barely passed a few nights since the two of them became official but it already felt so natural to be greeted with a kiss in the mornings and to have cuddling sessions after lunch - something that they haven’t really done previously.

“Yoongi, tell me about future,” Jimin asked with a soft hum when they were both lazing around under the shades of the trees. Yoongi’s shirt, damp with water draped over Jimin’s tail to keep him from drying out.   

The sailor made a noise in his throat, his long fingers tracing patterns into Jimin’s skin. “That’s very vague, candyfins. Care to narrow it down?”

“Our future,” Jimin supplied and adjusted his cheek against Yoongi’s naked shoulder.

The sailor inhaled sharply, and refused to take his eyes off the treeline at the opposite end of the glade as he tensely replied. “I mean, I have been doing some thinking but- uh, well I haven’t came up with a solution yet.” There was frustration in his voice. “It’s taking longer than I expected. I’m sorry I’m making you wait.”

Jimin didn’t move from his position snuggled against Yoongi and breathed softly upon hearing the reply. His silence contained neither accusation nor disappointment, only a strange sense of bittersweet resign buried underneath a layer of bubbly happiness.

“Tell me what we going to do when we not here,” he whispered then, gently guiding the conversation away. Whether he was purposefully ignoring the pressing problem of the lack of solutions or not, Yoongi couldn’t decide.

“Well I was thinking of quitting my job as a First Mate,” Yoongi decided to indulge him and hesitantly let himself dream, painting a picture-perfect future for the two of them. “I’d stay with you, find whatever job I could on the land. I’m not scared of work, so it wouldn’t be hard. Hm, I think we’d stay clear of cities and big settlements, and instead, we’d go to the countryside. Maybe in the Alps somewhere? I’ve read that those mountain ranges hide an entire lake system. Non-salty lakes, candyfins.”

Jimin grinned, feeling special at the consideration. “And where do you live?”

“Hm, how about we build a hut near the lake? One that’s special, half-built over the lake so that you could just swim right in. No more crawling on the harsh ground. Totally temptress friendly.”

“I like it,” Jimin sighed contently. “I want fire tool too so I can cook fish.”

“Aye, we’ll place the fireplace close and prepare grilling equipment,” Yoongi added the detail, with a smile on his lips. “We’d visit the nearby village market every Sunday to buy spices, linen, and wax for candles. We would trade them for the furs of roe and wolves that I hunt.”

“Yoongi need help me put on pretty clothes.” Jimin sounded enthusiastic already. “I want look like humans. I want humans like me.”

“Whoever doesn’t like you is batshit crazy, and I’ll fight them personally.” Yoongi squeezed Jimin’s upper arm where his hand was resting. The merman giggled.

“I also want rabbit,” Jimin spoke around a smile after a second of silence. “Rabbit that no bite.”

The sailor huffed, his shoulders shaking slightly from his wordless amusement. “Domesticated non-biting bunnies in the front yard. Got it.”

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