But not least

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Their embrace both attracted glances as it repelled them. It was so intimate and personal that all those who looked at them quickly found they needed a better resting place for their eyes. There were still those shameless or shocked enough that just stood there with their jaws left open and staring like they just witnessed the moon the sun and all planets aligning in syzygy.

No one moved to disturb them. Partly because Shreya was sending death glares at everyone who looked like they were considering approaching but mostly because no one really had it in them to bother a crying couple.  

Jimin was clinging to Yoongi like he was his lifeline as if he would literally die if they get separated again. The front of Yoongi’s shirt had long become wet with tears while the back was nearly ripped apart from how desperately Jimin was holding on.

“Yoongi…” Jimin called in between his weeping, rubbing his face into the sailor’s chest.

“I’m here, candyfins,” Yoongi whispering as an answer, pressing kisses to the top of his head. Jimin sniffed and even though crying so intensely was taking a lot out of him he still seemed like he could continue crying all day.

“Yoongi. You’s here,” Jimin cried again, softly for only the two of them. “You are real, right? It ‘es no dream, right?”

Yoongi’s hold around him tightened momentarily before resuming to gently caress the shaking back. “I’m here. Sweetness, we are both here. This is very real.”

A sob razed through Jimin and Yoongi was left fighting with his own tears. The tiny voice was so wrecked and uncertain as it kept inquiring whether he really wasn’t dreaming, “You sure? Yoongi you not lying?”

“I told you once -” Yoongi’s breathing shook, feeling overwhelmed- “but I will tell you again. I have never lied to you, candyfins. Not once. Not ever. And I’ll never lie to you for as long as I live.”

Jimin lifted his head then to be able to look into Yoongi’s eyes. Even with puffy and red eyes, snotty nose and tear-soaked face, Yoongi still found him beautiful. Careful tentative hands unwinded from around Yoongi’s frame and came to map the man’s face instead.

It was a silent venture as Jimin traced Yoongi’s jaw, lips, nose, eyebrows with the tip of his fingers. They lingered over the white-opal eye and the scar-shaped smooth matter on Yoongi’s cheek and forehead, a wondering question in the merman’s movements.

“What -?” he started but Yoongi shook his head, cupped Jimin’s hovering hand in his and pressed his face into the offered touch.

“Later, candyfins,” Yoongi whispered before twisting his face to be able to press a kiss onto Jimin’s palm. That ripped a wet giggle from the merman’s mouth.

“It’s ‘es really you,” Jimin whispered between them, his exhale hitting squarely Yoongi’s lips.

“Hm,” Yoongi hummed in clarification. “It’s me, candyfins.”

“You no forget me. You came back f-for me,” Jimin went on, voice still small but it was getting surer by every act of reassurance and proof that the Yoongi in front of him was real and palpable.

“How could I forget you? You’re the reason why I’m alive; the reason why I want to live. I belong to you, Jimin.” Yoongi rested his forehead against Jimin’s and closed his eyes to just be with the temptress.

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