Dreams unfold

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The dark sky was illuminated by bolts of lightning and their deep rumble vibrated across the vast open space. In contrast, the waters were like roaring lions upon being rudely awoken from their slumber. The heavy storm rained down onto them like it was judgment day; and came just as fast and unpredicted as one.

Upon making sure that their cargo was secure on both levels of the hull, Yoongi stumbled onto the main deck. He immediately received a bucketful of cold seawater down his neck. Shivering violently, he bypassed his mates who were all struggling to keep the ship from going under. Their shouts muted by the roar of the sea and the skies. Yoongi found his captain, standing on the quarterdeck behind the steering wheel and fought his way over.

As the Quinte just reached the highest point of an enormous wave it began to drop and the drenched sailor held onto the ropes ‘til his fingers turned white. Yoongi heaved brokenly, his stomach lurching uncomfortably yet he paid it no heed. As soon as he was close enough he addressed the captain by shouting over the rumble of the storm.

“Captain, reporting!”

Black strands of hair stuck on her forehead, her entire body weight hanging from the steer trying to keep it from spinning away, captain Hayden barely spared Yoongi a look. “What took you so long?”

“One of the cannons went loose!” Yoongi managed to shout before they all got washed over by another wave. If there were any dry spots on Yoongi’s attire before, then now there were surely no more. “No cracks in the plates so far! But we’re fillin’ up steadily!”

“Then get to -” Roseanne couldn’t finish her sentence as their watchman’s shout made their blood freeze in their veins.

“Ship ahoy! Ship on the right!”

Yoongi ran as fast as he could to the right guard rail to check what the watchman was seeing. There slid a magnificent ship along the waves, closer in distance than what normally other ships are detected. And it was all due to one reason; the entire ship was black as the night. The sails, the masts, the wooden planks, even the ropes were painted black. Everything was black except for the vibrant white skull and bones on the Jolly Roger, flapping in the wild wind.


Yoongi whipped his head towards the captain, eyes wide, searching if Roseanne also saw what he saw. And judging by the murderous look on her face, Yoongi immediately knew that she too was aware of the other ship’s nature.

“ Pirates! Everybody to battle stations!” she bellowed, with fire in her eyes, “Chop, chop! Move your lazy asses!”

This isn’t a drill, Yoongi rasped, desperately trying to calm his racing heart. Oh god, we all gonna die.

Yoongi was about to leave too, to get below decks and supervise the cannons’ management just like he was supposed to, but was stopped. Roseanne grabbed him by the arm, grip tight like an iron cuff. “Lucas and Manish will take care of that! I need you here Yoongs!”     

The sailor didn’t argue. Instead, he steadied his stance and stood next to the captain. Taking a hold of the steering with shaky hands, he forced himself to pay attention to the upcoming waves and not show his panic too much. Even in spite of everything Roseanne noticed and delivered a soft slap on his back. “Mind it for me, will ya?”

Yoongi nodded, tightening his hold on the straining steering wheel. The captain, then left the quarterdeck, shouting orders and giving a hand to those struggling the most. She looked so strong, as if unfazed by the prospect of a deadly fight in the middle of a goddamn storm.

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