Day and night

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“Yoongi you’s back!” Jimin nearly jumped out of the water in happiness as the sailor emerged from among the woods. It was all sort of embarrassing and ridiculous how insanely overjoyed Jimin got every time Yoongi came back to spend time with him.

It has been three days since Yoongi started working on his plan. Three days repeating each other without anything worthy of mention. The days started with Yoongi bidding Jimin goodbye before heading off in the mornings to work on the timber, then him coming back around noon to eat and refill his glass - just like he was doing so now. And finally coming around again in the evening.

It wasn’t established enough to be a routine yet, but Yoongi surely did fall comfortable with their current arrangement. His satisfaction was partly due to the progress he has made though. He managed to clear the vicinity of the Sapele's and he was working on cutting down the first tree during the entire morning.    

But as the sun was already high on the sky, indicating lunchtime has arrived, Yoongi walked back to the glade. He couldn’t help the lopsided grin that plastered on his lips, at the sight of the merman buzzing with energy.

“Well hello to you too,” Yoongi murmured as he placed his belongings to the ground before walking up to the lake. Jimin was practically dancing in the water, similar to synchronized swimmers but a lot more graceful. Yoongi shot an amused look towards the merman before grabbing his shirt around the nape of his neck and pulled it off. He started splashing water into his face and hair, starting a superficial wash-up.

“Hurry! I’s hungry,” Jimin urged him with a whine. Yoongi shot him another look, before continuing to wash the sweat and dirt off his skin, not stopping until his whole upper body was wet until his hips.

“You didn’t have to wait for me,”

“But I want eat with you!” Jimin pouted, however, the further complains died on his tongue. Jimin’s golden-blue eyes ranked across the human’s body, with a hint of shyness and curiosity. While he already got a glimpse of Yoongi’s physique, he was seemingly bewitched by interest every time the sailor undressed.

It was both endearing and humorous to watch. Many would have found it uncomfortable to be studied in such an open way, but Yoongi was never too self-conscious about his body and he definitely wasn’t getting embarrassed by it now. Sure, Yoongi would have preferred to have more height on him in general but he was quite satisfied with his muscle complexion and overall strength. The long years of service on the sea had him lose his teenage scrawniness - it shaped Yoongi into the man he was now.    

“So, what will it be today? Fish or rabbit?” Yoongi asked, combing his wet hair back with his fingers. Jimin finally snapped his mouth closed upon being shaken out of his trail of thoughts. The merman smiled sheepishly before biting his lower lip.

“I never eat rabbit before.”

Yoongi smiled in amusement, thanking whatever greater force out there that led the animal into one of his traps that morning. “Then rabbit it is.”

The sailor set to make fire and start to skin the animal. Jimin was watching him work closely, the awe never really leaving his eyes.

“I can help?” Jimin inquired after a few seconds of hesitation. It felt like he was torn between wanting to learn how to do it and wanting to only watch.

“Have you even seen a rabbit before?” Yoongi asked instead of answering, shooting Jimin a look. The merman nodded.

“Yes,” Jimin hurried to answer. “But only far away. Rabbit it’s very… scared? Not come close to me.”

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