It's okay

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Adult Content Warning ♡

There was a tension in the air and Yoongi was on edge once again. His nitpicking heart felt restless and irritable. The sword incident left a special type of wound on his pride, even though he wasn’t at fault for that. Yoongi was aware that crafting a ship and shaping wood wasn’t amongst the list of duties for an average sword, yet that didn’t help him calm down.

He was back to square one. They were back to square one, and Yoongi had a hard time coming to terms with it. He wished to be useful, to be wise and powerful, someone Jimin could rely on.

And with his work abruptly halted, he lacked the distraction he needed. Now he couldn’t even escape his worries, and that was taking a toll on him even though it only has been mere three days.

He has rocked his brain, trying to find a solution but as he came up empty handed Yoongi felt that lethargic tiredness settling over him. Jimin noticed the subtle change in the sailor’s attitude but not knowing how to help he did the second best he could; distract Yoongi from his problems.

Just like he was doing so now too; the sailor had his legs in the lake with Jimin draped over his lap. The merman talking about whatever was on his mind, in the same messy order as the thoughts came.

“- that ‘es first time I see ship! I is hiding in trees and it’s - I remember I think ship most beautiful thing seas show me ever.” Jimin made a hand gesture, his plump lips stretching into a smile and Yoongi found himself sporting a small grin too. “Seas always give me nice shells and rocks but that first-time seas bring so big thing!”

“How did it look like?” Yoongi indulged in Jimin’s little story-telling mood.

“It was big! It’s far, not come close to island. But I know it was big. Yoongi, it had cloud sit on it!” Jimin’s awed face paired with his excited tone had Yoongi burst into chuckles. “How ship have own cloud? Human use it to navigate too?”

“Oh sweetness, that’s no cloud.” The sailor gently combed into Jimin’s hair with his fingers. “That big white thing on top of a ship are the sails. They harness the power of the wind that helps the ship move forward.”

Jimin tilted his head to the side, eyebrows furrowed. “But ship have wind ‘es help how can it sink?”

Yoongi’s smile melted off his lips, and abruptly turned away from the merman. “Wind helps but it doesn’t make the ship fly, candyfins. The ship still sits on top of the water surface, and if water finds a way in then it will sink.”

“That what pirate do to your ship?” Jimin pushed, and Yoongi sucked in a sharp breath.

That’s one way to put it, Yoongi mulled over the new perspective, feeling a tad bit amused.

“Sort of. They blew holes into the hull.”

Jimin seemed contemplative for a second. “That ‘es why your ship sink.”

The sailor nodded, lips pressed into a thin line. He tried not to think of his lost crew or his captain, instead focused on evoking the pleasant memories of Quinte itself. Yoongi recalled his small, yet comfortable quarters with the squeaking floor and the always messy desk that was illuminated by the hurricane lamp. He remembered the crew’s quarters, spacious yet somehow always dim even in the brightest time of the day or the pantry and the tools cells, always stocked to the full meticulously, looking like a controlled chaos.   

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