All for you / 2

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Yoongi stood frozen in place, his line of sight started from the claws at his throat and followed the arch of the arm towards its owner’s face.


“By all means you should be already lying in your own pool of blood, has it not been for the fact that it’s me the one who’s facing you,” she spoke with measured words, low enough so that no one else would hear them but cold enough that if Yoongi’s heart hasn’t already flailed from fear then it would now.

The sailor felt the unmistakable murderous intent coming from the temptress and as much as it momentarily froze the blood in his vessels in fright he felt ire heating up his chest area. So even Shreya would turn against him. Yoongi felt no surprise but disappointment still gripped his insides. Though Yoongi had to give it to her; at least she attempted to kill him like a man, unlike the crew who immediately bared their throats.

Hardening his glare Yoongi demanded. “What is the meaning of this?”

Shreya scoffed in contempt, but there was a flash of pain in her expression of fury. “I want the truth from your mouth. And only the truth.”

“What makes you think I’ll tell you?”

Shreya growled from deep down and pushed her claws closer to Yoongi’s throat drawing the smallest drop of blood as the edges broke the skin. “I think we both know what will happen if you don’t start talking.”

Despite the situation and his own excessive fatigue, Yoongi snorted. He was mostly operating on fumes at this point, feeling delirious. “Ah, but I don’t know. Care to enlighten me?”

The temptress barely restrained herself from seizing Yoongi’s throat. Her voice dropped to a new level of iciness. “You will tell me, Yoongi. Because if you don’t, I’ll walk out through that door and kill every single member of your newly acquired crew. Let’s see how far you get with a crewless ship, Captain. 

Something flashed in the sailor’s eyes, his eyelids trembling as he mumbled mostly to himself. “Well-well… look at you. You really weren’t lying.”

Confusion marred Shreya’s face for a split second. “Weren’t lying about what?”

“You really do have ‘em murder charms.” Yoongi allowed himself a small smile and the temptress visibly wavered in her stand. “Too bad I can’t let you kill me.”

“Why not?”

“There are still too many things I must do,” Yoongi replied with honesty, and Shreya was getting the vibes of a simple and very-very tired man who was desperately hanging on, trying to stay afloat in this uncertain world. The Yoongi in front of her was in a bad shape, looked more like a hermit than a fearsome man he claimed to be. He was ragged by the trials of life, nevertheless, hope still shining through the cracks of his resign. All that he was, Shreya couldn’t find another word to describe him but humane . So humane that Shreya wondered why did she ever considered believing that he was Silver Claw?  

Nevertheless, she put her foot down firmly. “Then tell me honestly. Are you really Silver Claw or not?”

The question hung heavily in the air. Yoongi found he couldn’t look straight into her searching eyes, instead, his gaze fell onto the dancing freckles along her cheekbones in the candle’s light. If he were any more awake, more refreshed Yoongi would’ve schemed up an evasive answer - probably would’ve lied with a straight face and a hardened heart. But now, barely awake and so very tired Yoongi’s mind was blank.

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