Our Differences

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It’s fine, Yoongi kept telling himself. It’s going to be fine.

His walking pace was deliberately unhurried, trying to stall the confrontation and everything that came with it. Despite himself, Yoongi kept probing for possible solutions in his brain; ones that didn’t end in blood. He wishfully hoped they could somehow co-exist in a way that was beneficial for both of them - Yoongi getting to keep his life and supply of freshwater while the merman getting compensated for the missed opportunity to drown him. But for such a deal to be a realistic possibility, Yoongi would need to know what to offer in exchange for his life.  

But what do merfolk value above everything?

The blond exhaled in frustration. He barely knew anything about mermaids; his knowledge was pathetically limited. Yoongi knew they were supposed to be beautiful enough to lure sailors into their deaths. Mermaids were also supposed to be the best singers out there, which they also used as a tool to lead ships into their dooms.

Yoongi actually wasn’t even sure of that part, because wasn’t that the siren’s specialty? The singing that’s it. Albeit remembering how soothing and lovely the merman’s speaking voice sounded, there was absolutely no way that the creature wasn’t an amazing singer.   

Yoongi knew he was only scratching the tip of an enormous iceberg here. That thought gave him the cold feet.

He almost stopped walking when his ears picked up the telltale sound of trickling water. He has arrived. It felt strange returning to the familiar glade in broad daylight. The clearing was a lot more magical with sunlight shining upon the fountain, the colorful flowers and the even more flashy butterflies that danced amongst them.

When Yoongi stepped onto the soft grass of the clearing there was no sign of the creature. Its presence was hovering over Yoongi’s shoulders though, so the merman must have been close. Yoongi exhaled slowly and walked nearer to the small lake.

It’s now or never, Yoongi reminded himself.

He dropped onto one knee, movements stiff, and lowered his left hand to scoop water into his palm. Yoongi was half expecting to be dragged down the second his hand touched the surface but to his surprise, nothing happened. His hand had returned to his lips and Yoongi drank the cold water with two gulps. Yoongi wiped his mouth with the back of his hand while his eyes studied the clear lake.  

Everything was calm and quiet. The merman didn’t show itself and Yoongi was lost of what to do. None of the scenarios he imagined had prepared him for this. Being ignored wasn’t something the sailor was expecting. Because there was no way the creature didn’t know he was here; even Yoongi could sense the other’s aura and he was a mere human.

Glancing down at his sword, Yoongi weighed his chances. Surprising himself, Yoongi unclasped the scabbard and tossed it a few feet away. It landed with a soft ‘thump’ somewhere in the grass behind him.

What the fuck am I doing?! Yoongi wanted to shout at his stupid impulse-controlled brain until his throat didn’t work anymore. While the other part of his brain oh so helpfully suggested; we’re already here, might as well go all the way.  

After a second of hesitation, Yoongi pulled off his boots and rolled up the sleeves of his trousers ‘til his knees. He then sat down at the edge and unceremoniously dropped his legs into the water. If he weren’t awaiting the cold hands of death Yoongi would have relaxed at the refreshing feeling.

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