All for you / 1

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The ocean was boundless, never ending no matter the direction Yoongi looked. His tiny boat gently wobbled on the almost completely still surface. It’s been like that for days - no wind, no waves, not even a stray cloud on the sky. This gave way for the ruthless sun to shine down on Earth without obstacles.

It was easy to feel insignificant in the constant presence of the vastness pressing down on the sailor. Yoongi was lying face-up amidships in the minimal shadow of the sail, trying to relax his body without actually falling asleep. These days he barely got any sleep, having to be awake to maintain course and watch out for signs of danger.

His luck so far was shit, making Yoongi despair on the inside. No words leaving his mouth though. He wouldn’t talk - couldn’t talk. If he does he would get thirsty faster and that little water he had needed to last until the next rain catches him. Besides, his tongue long had glued itself to the roof of his mouth.

The skies were bright above his head, making him squint when he opened his eyes. Yoongi figured he wasn’t favored by the heaves, but still hoped his inevitable bad luck wouldn’t catch up to him this fast. However, as soon as he came a distance far enough that the island was no longer visible with bare eyes, the problems came flooding him.

First the optimal sailing weather changed on him, becoming fluctuating and making the waters turbid. And meanwhile it definitely wasn’t ideal Yoongi at least still made progress. But then came rain. Thankfully it wasn’t accompanied by a rampaging storm, nevertheless the rain persisted for days without signs of easing up. With the skies a monotonous grey mass, Yoongi couldn’t even check the distance he made and felt like he stagnated in the same place.

There were small mercies though; one of them was the compass of Silver Claw he got from Jimin. With the help of that, he could keep the right direction at least.

Yoongi’s energy still depleted tremendously as he constantly had to scoop water out of the boat and try to keep his drenched-to-the-bone body out of hypothermia’s way. Yoongi almost dropped dead from exhaustion after that week of continuous rain.

And as of now, he was yet again stagnating in one place in what felt like an eternal stillness.

Parched, tired and miserable, Yoongi’s thoughts drifted to the paradise that small glade was, the cold fresh water, the cool shadows and the breeze that carried the smell of fruits and flowers. And of course Jimin . Never before Yoongi felt so much guilt and sorrow as he was when he left the island and with it Jimin behind.    

It’s been exactly a month and four days since he had last seen that smile or heard that lovely voice calling out to him. Yoongi would know, he counted every passing day meticulously. In the long hours when he hovered between wakefulness and the tempting embrace of slumber Yoongi found himself thinking of his candyfins. He would listen to the rambles of his imagination’s Jimin, content with watching how Jimin skirted around in the lake of his thoughts while his scales twinkled in the morning sunlight.

Oh, how his heart ached to hold the merman close. Yoongi’s coarse fingers twitched, almost reaching out in his haze, hoping to find Jimin’s wondering hand in his. And even though no one took his hand he still felt thankful for his beautiful imagination when he heard a gentle tune being hummed.

It soothed the ache in his body, mind and heart. Yoongi almost fell asleep to that lulling melody if he didn’t become aware of something horribly out of place. The soft humming wasn’t the product of his longing mind - it was real coming from the prow of the boat.

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