Save you

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Yoongi felt warm wet hands close around his left hand, nowhere near the pulsating wound but he still trashed in pain. He felt sensitive all over. He desperately tried to cling to consciousness, and stay with Jimin longer. It felt unthinkable that Jimin was right there at his side, touching him and talking to him although he didn’t catch much of it save for pleas of his own name and no’s chanted like a mantra.

“Yoongi please…no, no sleep now! W-why you are bleeding? Yoongi, who did- … who did this to you?” Jimin cried, his trembling voice giving away his panic. “Tell me what do!”

“Jimin,” Yoongi whispered on an urgent but soft tone. “I- I’m so sorry.”

The merman stilled upon hearing Yoongi speak, if only for a second. He pushed himself onto his hands, hovering just above the sailor’s head. “What?”

Yoongi searched Jimin’s face for clues, anything that could give away the state of his well being, or what sort of feelings were swirling inside Jimin. But it was quite dark, the moon only had that much strength and Jimin’s bioluminescent scales weren’t strong enough to light up his face. Nevertheless, Yoongi found his eyes and held it, desperate to be understood.

“I’m so sorry for the things I said. Candyfins, I’m sorry for shouting and that I hurt you- I never wanted to hurt you.”

“Not now, you stupid!” Jimin cut him off in disbelief, but his tone was laced with a hint of delight. “You’re bleeding … please tell me what I can do. Yoongi not sleep yet please, tell me.”

Yoongi released a shaky breath, his lips curling into the smallest of smiles. He slurred the syllables tiredly. “You can’t do anything, candyfins. The wound-’s too deep. It either stops or it doesn’t.”

Jimin’s face fell, his eyes widening. Yoongi was suddenly cradled against the merman’s damp and slightly vibrating chest, and it took him a few seconds to realize Jimin was crying. It broke his heart to be the cause of pain once again.

“Don’t cry, Jimin,” Yoongi murmured, “Please don’t cry.”

“B-but -” The merman hiccuped, only holding him tighter- “not humans die if human bleed?”

Yoongi was dizzy and felt like he was slowly drifting away. The only thing that kept him anchored was Jimin’s arms around him and that soft voice ringing so close to his ear. Despite everything, he huffed gently. “Yeah.. we do.”

There was a gasp from Jimin and all of a sudden the sailor was gently but urgently laid back onto the grass. Yoongi shivered at the loss of shared body warmth and groaned in pain from the jolt. He tried to follow Jimin with his eyes but was too deprived of energy to raise his head.

“Huh?” The sailor breathed confusion and fear gripping his heart when Jimin slipped out of his vision. Please don’t leave me, candyfins, he begged yet nothing coherent came out of his mouth. Please don’t go.  

There was water splashing and Jimin raised himself out of the water completely. A sight that would have made Yoongi marvel under different circumstances, but now it only made him more perturbed. Jimin crawled and twisted on the dry land until he was lying side by side with Yoongi, his fingers coming up to cup the human’s face with care.

“I not let you die,” Jimin declared, his voice shaking but the statement left no room for argument. “Even if you see it, I h-have to do it.”

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