Drink your words

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Jimin was leaning against a wet rock, entire body perfectly still to not disturb the water even on accident. That would have disrupted however minimally Yoongi’s ringing voice, and Jimin who had to beg the human to tell him this story wanted absolutely nothing to block the mesmerizing string of words.

“- and the mermaid, enraged by the prince’s betrayal sought to take her revenge. But during the nights, as she waited by the shore with a dagger in hands, the forest was echoing of her heartbroken wails. The fisherman who heard it spread the word around that a drowned woman’s angry soul was haunting the seaside woods,” Yoongi took a small pause and glanced over at Jimin who was clinging from his every word.

Fucking adorable, Yoongi thought.

“A long time has passed over the mermaid, who was waiting for her chance of revenge. But the prince was no stupid man either, and had enough wits to know not to return to the shore or anywhere near the sea for that matter.”

“But… why she want kill him? Why no forgive and go home?” Jimin butted in, a concerned frown on his face, “He was bad to her, yes. But she loved him, right? I no understand. I not can kill one I love.”

Yoongi chuckled upon being confronted once again with the merman’s pure mind, and the sweetness of his personality. “Because this is a tale created by humans, candyfins. Scared humans. And there’s no limit to how destructive and vile we can get when we feel threatened.”

“Vile?” A curly strand of hair fell into Jimin’s eye when he tilted his head.  

“Someone who is cruel and horrible. Generally a bad man.”

Jimin nodded with the frown staying on his face. Nevertheless, he was fast to signal to Yoongi to continue.

“So… long years have passed. The prince became a king, the king became a father, and then a grandfather. His kingdom was flourishing and the mermaid sunk into the well of oblivion. Even the once prince forgot about the creature of the waves whom he wronged.”

“Until one fated afternoon, when the youngest grandson gathered the family to introduce the lady of his heart. And there entered the mermaid -” Yoongi gave away a dramatic hand gesture- “walking on two legs like a human, beautiful and young as if the claws of time had no hold on her.”

Jimin gasped, his eyes widening.

Yoongi continued after taking a second to wipe the sweat of his brows. “At this point, the story goes many different directions. Some say this, some say that but all versions agree on one fact; the entire royal family disappeared that night. The next morning guards reportedly found nothing but murky foam on the floors.”

“Why foam?” the merman confusedly asked.

“They say that the mermaid placed a powerful curse onto herself that turned her human. And when she got close enough to the king she released its power, turning everyone into a never dissolving foam forever rejected by the waves.”

Jimin, stunned, stayed silent for a few seconds. “So… they all died?”

Yoongi nodded, expression somber, “I told you it wasn’t a happy story.”

“I not like it,” Jimin balked decidedly and made a face. Yoongi shrugged with his mouth softly curving around the corners.

“Most of them are like this. Stories about mermaids I mean,” The sailor managed to sound apologetic though. All these mermaids in those stories had nothing on Jimin and his kindness. If anything they were polar opposites from each other; like day and night.

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