Chapter 11

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"Clay? Claaay."


Clays eyes opened softly, "Wh- wha- Drista?"

"Hi Clay!"

"What time is it?"

"Eeh, I don't know but mom wanted me to wake you up."

Clay sat straight on the couch. He yawned, then looked behind him at his mom and dad in the kitchen.

"Congratulations by the way." his sister said.

Clay looked back scandalized , "For what?"

"Mom told me you came out this afternoon, hooray!"

Clay looked back at his mom, "You told her?!"

Their mother laughed, "It's alright, she and your dad support you. We all do."

Drista hugged her brother from behind. "Yep, we support you."

His dad didn't say anything but that was fine. At least he hadn't anything against it. He hugged his sister back and thanked her. She asked him if he had a boyfriend, Clay denied it. "But mom said he dropped you off today."

"WHAT. Mom, that wasn't my boyfriend! That was literally.. just.. a friend." Clay thought again. Did he actually just call the dude who called him a whiny little bitch a friend? Did he actually call the dude he kissed 'a friend'?

He brushed it off, "I'm single, for now." and walked off to his room. He sat down at his bureau and then he realized, "Shit! I forgot my bag at school!" He smacked his hands against his forehead.

"You have got to be kidding me." he whispered to himself. He thought about asking if one of his friends could drop it off. He opened his phone and saw even more messages. To his surprise, one was from George. He opened it immediately.

George: Can we talk?

Clay felt embarrassed again. He sighed but as he wanted to answer his friend the doorbell rang. The blonde froze for a second, then heard his mom yell, "Clay! Your friend dropped off your schoolbag you had forgotten."

"No way."

He sprinted out of his room and ran downstairs. He walked around the corner and saw him, George, standing in the doorway with his schoolbag. He walked over towards him. His mom and sister giggled. Clay rolled his eyes. He greeted George as he stepped outside and closed the door behind him.

"Hi, Clay.. Here's your bag."

"Thanks, George."

The two kind of stared at the ground, not knowing what to say. George broke the silence, "Why?"


"Why did you do it?"

"I jus- You didn't want anyone to know and-"

"Did you mean it?" The brunet had a serious expression.

"..Yes, George, I am gay."

The short guy started smiling. There was hope, he thought. But there was one thing left in the way. His smile faded. His face looked serious again. "Clay?"


"What's up with you and John?"

"What? Nothing, what do you mean?"

"Students say he drove you off. They also think this is you kissing him at Maia's party. George held up his phone. Clay looked closely, it was him. He couldn't remember that moment. His back was turned to the camera. He looked at his friend again and denied it, "That's not me."

"I know it's you, Clay, I recognize that posture out thousands! Why are you lying?"

"I- I don-"

"Why the fuck were you making out with a bully? He literally cussed you out!"

The blonde didn't know what to say. What was there left to say? George had something for Richard and now thinks Clay has something with Schlatter. The tall guy looked at his feet. Too embarrassed to lock eyes with his friend he asked who posted that picture.

"I don't know but I wouldn't recommend going on social media right now." answered the brunet.

Clay looked up again, "What?"

"It's full of.. You know, what happened at lunch."

"Oh, yeah. People filmed it, obviously.."

There was a short pause.


The blonde gave his friend the one raised eyebrow, "Yea?"

Before he even suspected it George flew into his arms, "Thank you Clay! I'm so sorry that this was the way for you to come out. I'm sorry I put you in this situation."

"Wha- It's okay Ge-"

"You truly are an amazing friend!"

Clay blushed, looked down at his friend and admired the moment. It was worth it, he thought.

George felt safe in the tall male's arms. He felt so cozy and wished he could be in his friend's arms for the rest of the day. Neither of them wanted to let go. George eventually did after remembering, "Oh yeah, here's you jacket, Clay." The blonde hadn't even noticed it. He looked down at George taking his jacket off. "Here."

"Haha, thanks. I honestly already forgot I gave it to you."

"It's pretty comfy." said the brunet cutely.

They smiled at each other. It was pretty warm outside. Or was the heat coming from somewhere else? It didn't matter. George had to go. "I'll see you later!"

"Yeah and let's play some Minecraft too then!"

George laughed and agreed, then stepped on his bike and rode off. Clay walked back inside. His mom and sister gave him a remarkable look. "Soo, who was that guy, huh?" asked his sister.

Clay inhaled, "Are you kidding me?! Do you guys have to eavesdrop everything?"

His mom giggled, "What? we're just curious."

"He's just a friend.."

"Oh really?" said the girls in sync.

"Yeah.. really." said Clay as he thought to himself how disappointed he actually was. He should've told George. Even if he had something for Richard, he should know how Clay felt. He went up to his room threw his bag on the floor and thought about it.

George felt weird on his way home. "What the fuck does Clay see in Johnathan?" he asked himself repeatedly. He was too late, he thought. If he had just spent more time with the blonde that night, maybe he had a chance then. But no, instead he freaked out and called Sam to bring his friend home.

He should've known when he felt the butterflies that there was no way back. He should've realised Richard ment nothing to him. He shouldn't have been afraid to lose his friendship with Clay.

Now he lost his chance. Clay had something with Schlatter, they literally made out. What could George even say, I mean, John was kind of hot, he thought to himself. His personality was just trash. He shouldn't have backed away that night. Maybe there had been a chance then, maybe

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