Chapter 14

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"Happy Easter holidays, class." said the teacher as if anyone was listening. All the students looked at the clock waiting for the bell to dismiss them.

After a minute that felt like an hour the bell finally rang, the boys gave each other a hug and went their own ways. George ran to the back of the school. The exit there is barely used. He opened the small gate and walked out of the school grounds. When he crossed the street and walked around the corner, his boyfriend was there waiting for him on his bike.

"Clay!" said the brunet as he jumped on the tall boy.

"Hehehe, hi George." said the blonde playfully.

The short guy immediately jumped behind his boyfriend on the bike. "Let's go!" he said, "Before other's see us." They rode off pretty fast.

George enjoyed Clays scent, he pressed his nose down on the tall boy's shoulder. He smelled like a bakery. Like fresh baked bread and cookies. George laughed, he couldn't believe how happy he felt. He couldn't wait to make more memories with Clay.

The blonde felt like he was flying, with his boyfriend behind him and the wind through his hair. He enjoyed every second with George.

They finally arrived at their destination. "Alright" said the tall boy, "we're here." The short guy hopped off and looked around. It was a giant grassland. There were trees, bushes and flowers here and there, but mostly tall grass.

He waited for his boyfriend to park his bike. He held his arm out to sign the tall guy to hold his hand. They walked together through the grassland. They enjoyed the fresh air and nature. Clay stopped, "This seems like a decent place, right?"

George looked over to the tree he was pointing at. The grass around it was shorter, the tree created a big shadow on the ground, perfect for the picknick. Clay pulled a picknick blanket out of his bag together with a box of chocolate and vanilla ice cream and a spoon. The ice already melted but it was fine.

The boys sat down and fed each other their favorite ice cream. Clay couldn't stop laughing spilling the vanilla ice cream all over George.

"Clay, ugh you're so messy!" giggled the brunet. The melted ice dripped from his chin to his neck. The blonde moved closer towards George. He took the high ground and slightly pushed the brunet down. The short guy let his head hang, revealing his neck. Clay gently placed his mouth on it and started licking the melted ice off it.

The brunet laughed, "It tickles!" The blonde repositioned himself to fully lay over the brunet. George laid completely flat on the blanket letting the other boy do all the work.


Both Clay and George were red, sweaty and breathing heavily. "You're good." said the brunet as he poked the blonde's butt. "George!" laughed Clay and he rolled over to lay on his back. "Yeah, that was good." he said as he stoked through the brunet's hair.

George leaned in for a kiss again. Clay wrapped his arms around his boyfriend kissing him hard. When he let go he saw the gold sunshine on George's face. Gosh, his boyfriend was pretty, he thought. He saw the sunset reflecting in his brown eyes "It's time to go home." said the blonde.

George sighed, "I know, time flies."

They put their clothes on and packed everything up. George didn't look forward to going home. He had a sad expression on his face the entire ride. He got even more unhappy when they stopped at his house.

"Don't worry Georgie we'll see each other tomorrow again." That was right. No school for two weeks, they had enough time. George looked up at his boyfriend and pressed his lips against his. "I love you." he said.

"I love you too." said Clay as he fondled the brunet.

They couldn't take their eyes off each other. George wished he could see his boyfriend in true colors. He tilted his head and asked, "What color are your eyes?"

Clay laughed, "They're green."

"Wow, that's pretty unique, right?"

"I think so." said the blonde uncertain.

"Oooh, my boyfriend is unique." giggled the brunet.

Clay laughed and hugged his boyfriend one last time for today. He looked at his phone and told the brunet he had to go. They said bye and the day was over. George missed the blonde already. He wanted to feel the way he made him feel all the time. "Hey mom.." he said monotonous as he entered the house. He sat down on the couch and hugged a pillow to feel a little bit closer to Clay.


George went to bed craving his boyfriend's attention. He dreamed about being in Clays arms. He dreamed about being snuggled up next to the blonde. He loved him so much. He cried a bit realizing his parents won't ever understand how important that boy was to him. It hurt that they'll probably never accept it.

I burn you? You melt me // Dreamnotfound //Where stories live. Discover now