Chapter 25

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The following days of the Easter Holidays were dark for Clay. He felt not only horrible for almost cheating on George but also for lying to his friends. He got a message from Nick, he was disappointed in Clay. The blonde understood, obviously.

Almost all of his friends knew about it. The tall boy couldn't believe how Luke and Nick must've felt after finding out him and Schlatter weren't actually fighting.

He spent the days in his room, not talking to any family member. His mom sometimes tried asking what was wrong but her son always say he was okay, which was obviously not true.

The blonde looked at pictures of him and his boyfriend. He thought back at the time when they first met. It was his first time in a new highschool. They were classmates, friends. Clay thought George was straight.

He then came out to him.

He then had something for Richard.

Then Clay came out in front of the entire grade.

They confessed their love at a lake in the middle of the night. They kissed for the first time that night. That night was also the first time they did it.

Clay thought further, about happy times. The picknick, the party,.. he liked those memories. Did George think the same? What would he be doing right now? Does he even miss the blonde?

George definitely felt hurt, that must be. He must totally feel like shit, just like Clay. The blonde felt tears in his eyes as he started thinking about his boyfriend's feelings again. How he hurt those, and broke him.

His smile, hair, scent,.. Clay loved everything about George.

He remembered seeing the golden sunshine on his face, the sunset in his eyes. Clay loved seeing George.

The way it feels like heaven when they kiss. As if the world around them disappears and they hold each other tight as they float in a void. They could totally survive in a world with nothing, a void. Clay thought about falling, with George. They would fall while holding each other tight, endlessly into the nothingness of the empty world, together.

Clay loved George.

The blonde inhaled deeply and pulled himself together. "I'll prove it to him." he whispered to himself. He couldn't lose George, at least not without him knowing how much he meant to him.

The tall boy grabbed his phone trying to call his boyfriend. He didn't pick up. The blonde sighed and left a voice message instead. And another one. And another one.

His hands were shaking, he had no one. He didn't want to tell his parents or any family member. He knew they either wouldn't care, understand or overreact. He was all by himself.

He tried calling Nick, Darryl, Karl,.. But they all ignored him. He got it, he tried to kiss Johnathan, a bully.

The night time fell, Clay didn't sleep yet. He laid in bed staring at the ceiling. He rolled to his side and looked at the window he used to sneak out of. He flinched as he saw his phone screen lit up in his dark room.

He jumped out of bed to see who had messaged him.

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Clay groaned as he threw the phone back. He put his face in his hands. Why did he do all this? Why did he hope George would reach out? He should stop trying to get in contact with the brunet. He wanted some distance and Clay should respect that. He just loved him too much.

His love must've burned George.

He heard his phone ping as he plopped on the bed. He looked at the thing again and got up hesitantly. He didn't want to look at the screen, what if it was another stupid automatic message again?

He sighed deeply and faced the screen. He gasped.


Can I talk to you at the lake?

I burn you? You melt me // Dreamnotfound //Where stories live. Discover now