Chapter 15

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TW: homophobia/violence + sex scene that goes into detail
Feel free to skip it if U want, sex scene is marked :)

"George! George, who is this freak texting you?!"

The brunet jumped up in his bed as he heard his father yell. He stood next to him beside the bed with George's phone in his hands. "Dad? Why do you have my phone?!"

"I ask the questions here! Who is this dude texting you?!"

George shakingly looked at the start screen where 3 messages popped up. They were from Clay. The brunet started to sweat as he read them.

Clay <3: Same place again?

Clay <3: Are you awake?

Clay <3: Good morning, love <3

George started to panic, "I- I don't know who he is." he lied. His dad squinted his eyes, "Then why does his name have a heart behind it?"

The brunet knew he was fucked and felt like throwing up. He looked around for his mom. But his dad dropped his phone and stepped towards him. "Dad, please, I can explain!" he said as he backed up in his bed. The father grabbed his son by both arms and swinged him out of the bed.

"Are you fucking gay?!" he yelled in his face.

"N- no, dad." lied George again.

His father smacked him across the face causing him to hit the floor instantly. He laid there faced to the door with tears in his eyes.

He heard his dad yell and break things. George didn't move a muscle. After a minute that felt like an hour the brunet's dad grabbed him by his collar and made one thing clear, "Listen to me you fucking wimp, if you choose to be a nasty little freak and fuck other dudes then get the fuck out of my house."

The father thew his son back on the ground, walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him. George still didn't move. He laid on the ground with his legs rolled up crying. "..Clay.. I love Clay, I need him." he sobbed under his breath. He grabbed his phone that laid a bit further on the floor and called his boyfriend. Clay picked up immediately.

"Hey Georgie!"

"C- Clay.."

"George? What happened? Are you crying?"

"H- help me, Clay.. M- my dad hit me and basically kicked me out.."

It was silent for a moment.

"I'm on my way, George. You're staying with me. Make sure you have everything packed up when I arrive. I love you!"

Clay hung up immediately. George still laid on the floor in shock for a second, then got up to get the fuck out of there. He grabbed a few of his clothes, phone charger and toothbrush and stuffed everything into a bag. He put on random shoes he found under his bed and sneaked out of the window.

It was cold outside, he then realized he left his jacket downstairs. He wasn't willing to go there. He ran down the street, trying to get as far away from the house. He met Clay after a short minute that felt like an eternity.

"Clay!" said George as he dropped to the floor.


The blonde jumped off his bike and ran towards his boyfriend. He hugged him tight and kissed him all over his face. "It's okay! I'm here now you can stay with me! I'll take you with me!" He took the bag off the short guy's back and placed his jacket over him.

"T- Thank you, Clay."

The tall boy helped the brunet up and looked down on him. His skin was pale and cold, his eyes were red. He was so fragile, like glass. He could break any moment. "Let's go." said the blonde as he grabbed his bike off the ground. George stepped on and hugged his boyfriend tighter than ever.

I burn you? You melt me // Dreamnotfound //Where stories live. Discover now