Chapter 53

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Word count: 1124

Harper's POV

Thor came thundering into the room and dropped by my side. "Harper? What is that?" He asked and I handed him the note. He read it and I saw a small tear fall down his face. "Are you going to wear the ring?" He asked me. 

I nodded and slowly put the ring on my middle finger on my left hand. I wanted to put it on my ring finger but that didn't feel right. I twisted the ring so the snake was upwards and its head looked outwards. I held Sol closed to my body and took the note off Thor. I folded the note carefully and put it in my pockets. "Take me home," I said and looked to the ground. "I hate it here. I hate Asgard!Take me home." I repeated and Thor nodded.

"Okay, Come to the Bifrost." He said and we stood up. He guided me through the castle and down towards the Bifrost. We did not stop to say goodbye to anyone and nobody stopped us. I just wanted to go home and Thor understood my desperation to go home. 

We arrived at the Bifrost and Heimdall bowed his head. "I'm truly sorry for your loss, Thor and Harper." He said as we arrived. I let a few more tears run down my face but I was determined to hide any signs of pain from everyone. "I know that he cared very much for you miss Harper." He said and I looked up at him. 

"As did I for him," I said before turning away and waiting to be sent back home. Thor took my hand then told Heimdall to send us to Midgard. A big tunnel of light and colours engulfed us and I felt the wind in my hair. I hated the feeling and it made me cry as I felt so ill. It didn't take us long to reach Earth and when we did I ripped my hand from Thor's grip and started running. 

I ran out of the park, passed adults and children, passed birds, benches and trees. I could hear Thor calling out to me but I didn't care. What else can happen to me? I finally ran out of the gate and into the street where unknowing people walked. I wiped away my tears and held onto Sol as tightly as I could. I knew where I was going as I had run around this city most nights for around 10 years. I knew every back ally, every road and every secret path you could ever need to know. 

Even though I knew how to get back to the Tower, I didn't. I ran in the opposite direction and straight to the last place that hadn't had something bad happen there. I had lost too much or suffered through so much at the tower. I went Home. 

Thor's POV

Harper ran off and I tried to call her. Either she didn't hear me or she didn't want to come back as she kept on running away. I hoped she would go to the Tower so I made my way there but I was mistaken. After avoiding the press, tv crews and fans, I finally arrived at the Tower. There was no sign of Harper. 

I went straight to the main floor and asked my friends if they had seen her. "Where is Harper?" I asked and they all turned to look at me. 

"She was in Asgard with you. What happened? What did you do?" Nat asked and stood up. She glared at me and I knew I was in so much trouble. Natasha could kill me.if she saw fit. Looking at Nat now I really could see the resemblance. They both have the same 'I'm gonna kill you' face. 

"She ran off when we got back here. I thought she ran here." I said and took a tentative step away from the murderous Natasha. Clint stood up and glared at me too. 

"Where would she have gone?" Steve asked as he stood up making Tony whine at the loss of his headrest. Steve kindly stood in between me and the murderous parents. 

"Home," Jasper said from Tony's lap. Tony looked at him and we all followed suit. "She might have gone home," He said again but that just made us more confused. 

"Isn't this her home?" someone asked but I was too busy trying to think that I didn't notice who said that. Tony shook his head and signed. "Remember when she first left here and Clint followed her?" Tony asked but also said. "What did she say to you Clint when you asked her to come back to the tower?" Tony asked softly. 

Clint seemed to think for a moment before answering. "I asked her if she was coming back home, to the tower." He said and looked to the ground. "She said the orphanage was her home." Clint said and Nat looked downwards too. A cloud of guiltiness and sadness hovered over us all. Jasper looked very upset and like he was about to cry. 

"Let's go get her then," Bruce said and stood up from the lounge. Tony and Jasper got up too and we all headed towards the elevator. We all piled inside and slowly the elevator creaked down the shaft. As we went Nat asked me something I didn't want to answer. "What happened on Asgard?" 

I tried to think of the best way to respond but it was hard. There was too much to say and explain. I figured they didn't need to know it all just yet. 

"Loki died." 

Harper's POV

I knocked on the door and Terry opened the door. I smiled at him and he moved aside to let me in. "What are you doing back here?" He asked me as I entered the building. He led me to his office, even though I already knew where it was due to the number of times I had been in it. I sat down and looked to the ground. 

"I don't wanna go back to the Tower. I wanna stay here, at my home." I said and looked up at him. "Please," I added and sighed softly. I had never ever looked so weak or vulnerable in front of him but he showed no signs of being unsure. 

"Come have some food then we will set up a bed for you to rest in." He said with a loving smile. We stood up and he pulled me into a hug. "I can tell you've lost someone important, I am so sorry." He said then let me go from the hug that I had needed. "Come eat," He said and started to walk with me to the kitchen. 

Published: 14th of May 2021

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