Chapter 7

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Anne continued to work at her magic. She was improving well and her skills with a sword at hand were surprising even herself. She felt ready for any witch to come and try her luck against her now. She heard her father speaking to a woman in the corridor and went to see who it was briefly looking up at a picture of her mother. She smiled. In the corridor, she saw a pale woman. Her father turned to look at her and introduced her to the woman who she learnt was Salvatora, Ice Clan leader.

"As I was saying," her father continued," I'll send my best to retrieve your student."

"He bears the mark. He is very powerful and an asset to our war against the dark creature. This time he is far more powerful and has far more allies. He now has all of the witch clans as well as the wolves with him. It will be hard to win and the aid of my pupil will be of the utmost importance."

"I understand and I thank you for coming on such short notice. It is greatly appreciated. Anne, go back to your room please," the king ended. She nodded and walked off.

Now, in the king's chamber, an empty room but for many chairs around a polished table, their sat the king; the Ice Witch; Cigam and Hersage the most skilled swordsman in the whole kingdom.

Veldon rose," The last time we were here, a hundred more gifted people sat with us. The last time we sat here was at the beginning of our attack on Domitates. Now we sit here again and I don't know what will happen next. If we go for an all out brutal attack, we will fail. A more strategic approach will result in failure too unless... Unless we kill the dark creature before he attacks."

"How do we do that?" Cigam asked, "Last time we tried, all we could do was imprison him. What makes you think that this will be any different?"

Veldon said," My fears that it is my daughter, Drea, who killed my wife have now been proven to be right, for Domitates could only have risen to power with the blood of my family. She wants us dead so that she could be queen and I believe that this could be used to our advantage." He smiled, "Cigam, Hersage; I trust you two most. Seek out my daughter and bring her to me."

They both asked," What is it that you intend to do?"

"I will not reveal that right now but if my daughter has got any good left within her heart, then Domitates is in for a surprise..."

Cigam and Hersage set off. Together, the two men were a very powerful force but the problem... They could not stand each others presence.

"I'm telling you," implored Hersage," swords are far better than that fancy magic."

"Oh really," Cigam retorted sarcastically. He held out his hand and a flame sprung to life. "Why don't we test your little theory right now!"

Hersage was a poor magician and knew that magic was indeed powerful but his pride was too strong. "Later... The king has given us orders."

Cigam gave a laugh but said nothing.

They reached the cave where Drea now lived and saw her asleep. They looked on in triumph for this would be an easy capture. When they saw her face, they stared in amazement at how she had changed.

"Well," began Hersage," lets get this done with!"

Cigam held his hand and muttered," Dormire" to place her into a deep sleep. The picked her up and began to take the road back to the castle.

Hersage exclaimed," Wow! She's quite heavy for a woman who had been living on fruit for the past year!"

"Be quite and walk," ordered Cigam.

"Ok, I'm just saying."

Nothing happened for the most part of the journey but suddenly, Drea awoke, eyes wide, taking in everything. She struggled and Hersage accidentally let go.

"Oh well done Hersage!" Cigam said, "All you had to do was carry her but that's too much for you."

Drea ran and she heard someone shout 'arrêter and she found that he could not move. Cigam walked over, picked her up and carried on walking giving Hersage an annoyed look.

Hersage cried after him, "Sorry!"

Nothing more occurred on their journey except for a point a few metres away from the castle where the two men got into a huge fight, fists flying but luckily, Merlin was walking past and managed to stop them. Drea was quickly captured again.

Drea was brought to Veldon, evil screaming it's way to her mind.

"I have nothing to say to you!" and she spat at her father. She was in the presence of the king, a witch and two bruised men: Cigam and Hersage. She had no idea how she had ended up here. One moment she had been getting ready to sleep after a disturbing encounter with Domitates and the next she was being carried by two ridiculous men who she now realised were that magician and swordsman.

"Good," Veldon added, "Because I have a lot to say to you. You killed your mother! You abandoned your family! You freed Domitates!"

Drea thought that these people may well kill her right here, on the spot and then this man she called father continued," But you are my daughter and despite all the actions that you have committed, I am willing to forgive you, if you change your ways."

A look of amazement briefly crossed her eyes but hatred returned swiftly. "You ruined me! You should be asking for forgiveness."

"I admit that I was wrong to deny you your throne but I was worried that you may have been corrupted with evil. I will allow you to rule alongside your sister."

"Dear Anne will soon be at the mercy of my master, Domitates. Then I will have the throne anyway. Why should I help you?"

Veldon looked towards his comrades for support.

His plan to gain a spy from inside the dark creature's realm had failed.     

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