Chapter 31

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It was time. This was the beginning of the end. Everyone was in place. Eighteen years ago, force had beaten the creature. Tactics were being employed here. Tactics to finally kill a source of terror.

Seralin quietly walked in the lead alongside the invulnerable wolf. Domitates was asleep in a small valley. A waterfall gushed down helping to mask the sound of the men. But soon a different sound filled the air.

"Stefan! Stefan! Stefan!"

Domitates's red eyes shot open. He saw a golden light above the valley. He didn't pause for thought but vanished.

The wolf looked at Seralin, "He's gone," he said in a husky voice, "The plan is working. We didn't even have to try too hard."

"That's because the hard part has yet to come," replied Seralin.

Veldon decided to stay with Stefan. Anne had insisted that she go with him and nothing would make her change her mind. So he too went with them. His shoulder slightly pained him.

"How long till he comes?" asked Anne.

"I've got time," Stefan replied sternly.

Domitates appeared in the forest where he was imprisoned. But it looked different. Lighter. Before Domitates could see what happened, a sword ripped through his stomach. He fell in pain. Hersage and Cigam stood above the creature smiling. But they knew better than to waste time. They ran forward to finish him but the creature cast a series of weak spells at them. Weak though they were, the two men had to dive aside to evade them and this led to the sword being dropped. Wolves howled all around the forest and Astelovix's men were fast approaching. Domitates could hardly breathe. He had to use all of his remaining strength to disappear.

"Your fault," said Hersage.

Cigam shook his head. "Lets go and see where we can help."

They left and by the time that the men had arrived, the clearing was empty with a soft golden light slowly dying out.

Somewhere in the distance, a wolf howled in agony. The invulnerable wolves heard the howl and new what happened. Someone who belonged to the kingdom had killed one off their kind. How and why, they did not know but it had happened. They considered it to be betrayal. The wolves who were with Astelovix's men in the clearing, bared their fangs and began to kill each man one at a time. Astelovix fled to tell Veldon. There was a massacre in the clearing.

Domitates appeared before Stefan, Veldon and Anne at the edge of the forest. He looked shrivelled, small and weak. This was a hurt creature. Blue blood oozed from his stomach. He collapsed on the floor.

"It's over," Domitates heard Veldon saying.

"Stefan rose his hand and shouted to the earth and beyond, "Morte!"

The black spell flew towards Domitates but an injured and half-dead wolf was thrown before Domitates and it hit the wolf who howled in agony and died.

Anne looked around. She saw Jake melting away into the forest, smiling.

Stefan saw this too but at that moment, Astelovix was heard shouting, "Veldon, the wolves are against us."

As if on cue, the ten wolves surrounded the three people. They had gotten there with unbelievable speed. Veldon saw Astelovix about to burst threw the bushes but inconspicuously shook his head.

Domitates lay coughing just behind the wolves, so easy to kill.

The leader of the wolves rose, "You betrayed us. We will now take the life of the killer."

Veldon shouted, "Open your eyes! You know the boy didn't kill him. The wolf was thrown in front of us."

Anne said, "Jake threw him there! He must have used his power and brewed some kind of a potion to hurt the wolf. Stefan was merely trying to kill the dark creature."

The wolf bared his teeth, "Who ever dealt the final blow shall die!"

Stefan was angered. He saw Domitates being pulled away by something. Jake no doubt. He rose his hand and waved, all the wolves fell on the spot, seeming to be asleep.

Stefan wasted no time, and ran after Jake with Anne hot on his heels. Veldon was about to follow but then ran into Salvatora with enough force to send them both in opposite directions. He lost the sight of his daughter.

"Jake you traitor!" Stefan yelled.

"I had a last second change of heart," a yell came back.

Stefan saw Jake who was in a low crouch. Anne burst in.

"Why?" she asked.

Jake looked at the two of them and Anne knew why. Jealousy was a follower of evil.

"My talents include great skill at brewing potions. The poor wolf," Jake mocked.

A hiss entered the air, "This doesn't change how I feel, son of Rose."

Stefan saw Domitates limping away.

Anne whispered to him, "Go now. I'll fight Jake. This could be our last chance."

Stefan skilfully dived into the bushes. He had wanted to kiss Anne but there was no time. He followed Domitates with the sound of 'cum ignis cremo' burning in his ears.

"Arreter!" screamed Stefan. Domitates froze. This was it. Hersage and Cigam suddenly ran around a tree and straight into Stefan. All three quickly rose. The bearers of the golden sword picked it up and easily ran it through Domitates's legs like a hot knife through butter. The creature of Darkness fell. The spell had worn off and he was able to move. The complication: he had no legs to move with.

So he spoke, "I have killed and killed. The hunter has become the hunted. All will remember me as the most powerful creature who ever lived!"

Stefan shook his head as Cigam and Hersage were about to strike his heart. "No," he said, "All will remember you as a pathetic monster who could neither run nor hide."

Stefan said, "Morte!" and this time, nothing stopped the spell. It hit it's mark. Domitates let out a final growl and those red eyes blinked out of existence.

Stefan spoke, "Cut it up. Burn it. Make sure no one will ever see the sight of it again."

Stefan ran to help Anne.

"So now we get stuck with cleaning up!" exclaimed Hersage.

"Hey, at least we helped. Our names will be legendary!"

"Yes!" said Hersage, "Hersage and Cigam, bearers of the golden sword!"

Cigam shook his head, "It's going to be Cigam and Hersage, bearers of the golden sword!"

The two men set about decapitating and mutilating the body of Domitates whilst still arguing whose name should come first.

Domitates was dead and yet the battle continued.

Anne hit Jake straight in the chest. But not with a spell. She had simply put her head down and surprised him with a charge. They had been casting spells at each other for a while. Anne was cut and bruised from constantly diving on the hard ground to avoid 'morte'. The spells had just barely missed. Her spells had found their mark but she could not bring herself to use the death spell. Fire, water and air spells were all that left her mouth.

Jake was on the floor looking burnt and wet. Stefan ran in. He grinned at Anne. He froze Jake. Veldon had also entered the area and his men had seized Jake.

Stefan put a spell on his voice and shouted with all of his might, "Domitates is dead!"

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