Chapter 15

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Seralin's valley was situated at the furthest point from Anscancar and was a beautiful place filled with wilderness and warmth. It was magically strong with the people earning their trade off of their skill with magic. Some created birds to fly in your home; others created mechanisms which amazed all. There were devices to communicate over long distances by speaking into a leaf and then gently blowing it. It would drift across to the person who could then hear the leaf whisper the message. They were able to create spears to be thrown across kingdoms and could produce heat from a rock for food to be warmed. But all of this had only occurred when a young boy was born. From birth, the baby was strange and as he grew, he taught people how to shape their magic. He could not pass on his natural talent but soon, everyone was able to shape magic and like humans, everyone's was unique creating such a diverse kingdom. With some, they could merely put on shows and stories, letting the magic shape itself into legends of the past. Other's created horses which could be ridden upon. Being horses of magic, they can only walk a few meters away from the point where they were created. But some created beasts which they could not put a name to. There were beasts which could fly entertaining children. They could only move a short distance and hover a few meters above the air but what a talent this was. Competitions were held in this kingdom with racing events and battles. Many magicians had heard of this skill but none could perform it until they came into contact with that man. This man was known as Jake "the weaver of magic". He could not fight with it as Cigam did but he was able to shape it in his hands and create something out of it. He was born at the peak of Domitates's power making him twenty-one of age and those in surrounding kingdoms were weary of him for they believed him to have a connection with the creature of darkness. But he was a man of good heart and was truthful and brave. He possessed golden-brown eyes and was gentle and friendly. Jake was the one who could astound people by designing giants who would battle each other. The people loved him. But if one weren't enough, Jake had a twin brother born several minutes before him. The two Alenti brothers shared a close bond and sadly, their mother had died at their birth. They were all that each had in the world. Jake was impressive at shaping magic but his brother, Richard, was a master in another field. He created a kind of melody with magic that soothed the ears. None had ever heard of something like this before. It was called music which many believed to be such an insignificant word in contrast to what he did. He would cast a spell within his hands and place it in mid-air. Then he would rhythmically tap the spell to gain a beat. Whilst in that process, he would put another closer to his lips and then blow in it. In his free hand, he would keep the spell in there and occasionally shake it to produce the final piece. Doing this in different ways would create different tunes. None could do this and he didn't know how he did it. The only thing to be sure of was that these to boys were born with a gift. It was not due to Domitates but was simple coincidence as had occurred with Stefan and the mark.

Both brothers looked identical except for their eyes with Richard's being an emerald green colour.

Not far from the home of the Alenti brothers a man struggled to breath upon the hot sand of nature. Hersage twisted trying to produce words from his mouth. None came. He felt tears pouring down his face. His leg hurt so much. Was pain meant to feel this bad? Why was death teasing him and rather not claiming him? Did he have to call for Domitates himself to come finish the job? He drifted in and out of consciousness. At first he saw insects scurrying before his face. Then he saw Feira, fire witch, smiling at him. He also saw a few men slowly approaching him. But at last, he saw nothing but a dark abyss.

Hersage awoke on a soft surface covered in a few blankets. His leg was completely bandaged, the smell of a healing potion (dead leaves and stagnant water) reaching him from that direction. A guard in green saw him flicker his eyes and went to call his king.

Seralin strode into the room looking majestic. He was evidently strong and muscular with sharp features and intelligent eyes. He spoke in a deep voice, "My men found you while patrolling the lands. There have been many attempted wolf attacks on our kingdom. The people were beginning to fear. But you slayed the pack of three and we are grateful for that. Fear not, your leg is not too severely damaged and our top magicians are tending to it. Please, tell me your name?"

Hersage finally found his voice, "I am Hersage, Conqueror of Fire and swordsman of King Veldon belonging to the kingdom of the Refuge of Power."

"I see, my regards to your great king. I think that you have a story to tell and I am listening."

Hersage told him of Domitates's rise and of the witch attack. He spoke of Anne and her journey and of how the kingdoms must now unite.

King Seralin spoke in a sad voice, "Eighteen years ago, my father perished. Most of our people were dying because we all tried to stand alone. However, your king helped us and I am in his debt. More so, we must all stand together this time and kill the creature of darkness once and for all. This time, there must be no return. However, it worries me that all of your men have died in the battle against the Fire Clan. Know that my men are your men now. What have the other kings said?"

"You are my first thus far."

"We will wait however long necessary for you to heal and then we will go to Harold and Astelovix and talk to them. In the mean time, some joy will quicken the healing process. Let me show you why we are the greatest entertainers of all of the kingdoms."

He smiled revealing a set of dazzling teeth for a man of older age. Hersage actually marvelled at how strong a man he was. A good leader. Two identical men entered the room. The sound of music met Hersage while images of ancient legends flashed before his eyes. His heart felt content and he realised that fighting to stay alive was worth the challenge.

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