Chapter 24

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Anne, Stefan, Salvatora and the Alenti twins rested in the witch's cottage after finally arriving there. They sighed contently as the fire warmed their bones to the very core. Stefan looked at the twins. As was expected, they were talking to Anne. He sighed. Stefan walked over to Salvatora and asked to speak to her.

"The twin gave me an idea yesterday..."

"Yes?" the witch asked.

"Jake said that he was able to unlock powers. Magical powers. What if he is that missing piece of information. The last puzzle piece. The key?"

"Hmmmm a very fine point. One which intrigues me. But don't get into anything yet. Wait till the last moment."

"Everything seems to revolve around 'the last moment'," he said.

Salvatora smiled, "It's coming up faster than you think."

The travellers were ready and rejuvenated to travel the next day. All went to their separate quarters to sleep each wondering what the next day would bring.

Domitates burned on the inside. Wolves, kingdoms and magicians were all swarming around him, wanting him dead. He hated this with a cruel passion. It was time to strike and strike now. It was time to take Anne tonight. He vanished, sensing that Stefan was in the ice witch's home.

Stefan finally felt as though he was drifting to sleep before a loud crash disrupted his sleep. There is never noise out here in the snow. He rose quickly bursting through the door. Salvatora was already there. Domitates was in the house. He looked at Anne and it seemed as though his mouth was watering.

The Alenti twins were swiftly attacking Domitates but he just swatted them aside. Stefan didn't even bother casting a spell this time. The room was too small and he could easily miss. Salvatora screamed, "Anne now!"

Anne drew the magnificent bow and quickly placed the arrow inside. Stefan almost felt excitement rush through him. It was time. Domitates muttered,"Cum ignis cremo!" and it set the cottage alight making Anne stumble back and trip over a pile of books. Stefan felt like a useless liability. He was still standing in the same position. His reactions were so slow it scared him. And then time froze. It was then that had his reactions been any slower, he would have to be dead. Richard dived for the arrow with the intention of using it himself to kill the dark creature. Domitates was puzzled and confused of as to why everyone seemed to be frozen. Richard touched the arrow but it whizzed out of his hand and flew straight to Anne.

"No," she whispered, "NO!"

Stefan knew what was going to happen next. He looked around at every face individually. Domitates had a comical look on his face as he surveyed the strangest scene ever witnessed by himself. Jake's sword hung in the air hesitantly as he did not know what to do with it. Salvatora seemed to be running towards Anne who looked like horror and fear personified. Richard was confused. Stefan had a feeling he had a mixture of everyone's look on his face. Then, it happened.

Anne's hand moved. She didn't use the bow but simply threw the arrow straight at Richard. It flew with deadly accuracy. The arrow pierced his heart and he screamed in agony. Screeching music howled in the room. Whispers of "Die son of Domitates," and "Young evil," erupted in the room. Richard blinked once... twice... and on the third, he did not blink again. Jake fell to his knees. Anne cried. Domitates saw the weapon. Domitates also saw the connection. He saw his son. Domitates was furious. Once again he would miss a chance to murder. He was more annoyed now as he slowly started to vanish but he needed time to think. A lot of time. Stefan saw the creature disappear and suddenly his reactions came back to him. He grabbed a sword from the shelf and rushed to meet Jake's sword which was descending towards Anne's face.

The swords collided with a bang. Salvatora quickly restrained everyone with magic.

She spoke softly, "Jake, calm down. This was not Anne's fault. Listen to us."

Jake could hardly breath but threw his sword across the room letting it clatter to a halt. He looked at each of them in turn waiting for someone to speak. He could not utter a word. His bother, his friend, his twin was dead. It felt as though a part of him was dead inside. It hurt. Jake believed that when someone said their heart was broken, it was an over exaggerated cliché but he was now proved wrong.

Salvatora said, "Domitates is your father..."

Jake shook his head.

Salvatora quickly explained the past. How they were born. How they helped to defeat Domitates and how the weapon had forced Anne to kill Richard.

Jake thought, "This can't be true. But it feels as though it fits."

Stefan mumbled to himself, "This keeps getting more and more interesting."

Anne looked at him holding Richard's hand. A soft melody entered the room but quickly died. Everyone just waited for that fairytale miracle where Richard would wake up and be perfect or when they would jolt awake from the bad dream. But of course, the miracle didn't happen. Sadly, it never would. 

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