Chapter 30

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Everyone in the ruins of Veldon's kingdom felt fresh and ready for the fight of their lives. The wolves knew where Domitates was and one of them would lead the first party to him.

Veldon quickly went over everything one more time. It was one day till the attack.

Veldon stood before the men of all the kingdoms including the wolves and his family. He used magic to be heard by all.

"Tomorrow, all of you will be free. We will conquer everything in our path. The time is now. We are the ones who will be remembered by our future generations as the heroes. We are all heroes. We have created new legends, new marvels and soon, we will create a new beginning. Each and everyone of you has a part to play. Play it well and you will then reap the rewards. Fail, and you have sentenced us all to death."

He let his statements sink in.

"Now, the plan. Seralin will lead his men to the current position of Domitates. With him will go Salvatora. You will not fight but rather trick the beast. Salvatora, use your magic to create a golden light. All of the men must also chant Stefan's name. Domitates will immediately flee, biding his time to get back his strength. My very few men and Harold's men will stay here to protect the camp and women should Domitates appear here. Astelovix will go with the wolves and spread out through the forest. Where ever Domitates appears, you hunt him down. He will not try to fight the wolves. Salvatora has done a lot of thinking and believes that Domitates may appear in the place where I imprisoned him and Drea released him. Cigam and Hersage will stay there. Kill him the second you see him. Do not waste time. Should he escape or even not show up, Stefan will stay at the edge of the forest and patrol those regions. Beyond that, Domitates has a free escape. Jake will be accompanied by a wolf. They will go to any 'out of the way' place where Domitates may go and try to talk to him. The ice witch believes that Domitates will not kill Jake the second he sees him but rather listen to what he says. This will give us enough time to quickly get there and help. This will be very hard to pull off but we must."

Everyone began to cheer.

"For the kingdoms!"

"For the kingdoms!"

"For the kingdoms!"

Domitates stirred unaware in his sleep. It had been almost a week now. He did not wake and was happy that after such a long time, no one had bothered him.

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