Chapter 19

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By the time Anne was ready to voyage up the mountain; two strangers had joined the company. As they were preparing to leave, Stefan heard the sound of horses and drew his sword as did the recovered Anne. Two identical men came forward.

"Peace," the one with green eyes shouted. Salvatora looked at them in surprise realising who they were but not saying anything.

The other twin, with brown eyes spoke, "I am Jake and this is my brother Richard. We are the Alenti twins who come from Seralin's kingdom. We were sent to protect you," he indicated to Anne and continued, "As well as to covey a message." He told them all of the witches and wolves as well as of the destruction of Veldon's kingdom. Anne's tears fell into the snow and Stefan held her tight. Salvatora was first to speak, "This is very interesting. In our absence it appears as though Domitates has suffered more than we knew. He now as no allies at all."

Anne couldn't care less. She was worried about her father. Richard told her that he was perfectly fine. Salvatora quickly introduced herself and Stefan.

While Anne was thinking about her father she remembered his stories and burst out, "I remember where I've heard of you!" She looked admiringly at Richard and asked if he could show her his music. He smiled shyly and obeyed. Anne's mood brightened, "I loved that. It was beautiful."

Richard replied, "I am here now and whatever you need I will provide. Ask for music and I will create the most magnificent sounds this world has ever heard."

Anne blushed and Stefan did not like the way this was going. He thought that the twins did not look too bad and obviously so did Anne as she quickly begged Jake to show her his ability. He immediately asked if his was better than his brother putting her in a dilemma. Stefan sighed inwardly and thought how pathetic this was. Both brothers seemed to have fallen for her immediately. He laughed in his head. Anne loved him, Stefan, not two identical dim-witted brothers. Stefan's thoughts suddenly turned for the worse. Or did she? Maybe it was only he who loved her?

Salvatora knew that the Alenti twins were a complication. They were good and honest but nonetheless a complication. A big one at that. It would be hard for her to separate them from Anne now but they couldn't come with them to get the scroll. Their lives were at stake.

"Richard, Jake," she spoke, "We recently had an encounter with Domitates. Perhaps it would be better for you to stay here and guard the mountain and our provisions?"

They agreed and Salvatora found it a lot easier than she thought. Stefan cast her a questioning look but she inconspicuously shook her head so that only he could see. He nodded. The Alenti twins stayed at the foot of the mountain thinking about Anne.

Going up the mountain was hard and agonisingly slow. It seemed to Anne as though she were in a dream when you need to hurry and yet you go lethargically slow. Stefan walked behind her. He felt that newly acquired hate again. For those twins. He looked at Anne. Should he ask her? But they continued upwards, Anne slipping once only to be caught in a tight grip by the witch. There were a few caves which Salvatora stated would lead you to your death as they were traps. Eventually they got to the right one. Evil cannot pass through here. Only the absolutely pure of heart could. One by one, they stepped inside, each showing that they had a pure heart. Stefan half expected to be pushed out but was relieved to see he passed the test. Domitates may have left his mark on him but he would never again cause him to do harm upon others. It was dark but Anne decided it was her turn to use magic and so illuminated the cave. There, in the middle was a piece of parchment rolled up with a red circle around the area. Salvatora told her to go forward. As she walked Stefan whispered, "Are those twins evil?"

Salvatora shook her head, "No, but they wouldn't be able to walk into this cave."


"Wrong... Blood," she concluded.

Stefan was puzzled but did not push for an answer. He knew that his teacher would eventually provide a full answer later.

Anne walked over to the parchment and cautiously picked it up. Voices began to speak. A fire erupted from the scroll, "I, Feira give my fire's blood to kill the beast!"

A wind swirled around Anne, blowing her hair in all directions, "I, Aeriatoria give my wind's power to kill the beast!"

Water began to drip from far above the cave onto Anne's head,"I, Aqua give my water's flowing life to kill the beast!"

Anne nearly dropped the scroll when it became ice cold but she held on firmly a familiar voice saying, "I, Salvatora give my ice's knowledge to kill the beast!"

The voices now spoke in union, "With the blood of royalty we create a spell to kill the creature of darkness!"

Suddenly, all was quiet in the room. Anne slowly opened the scroll to read the spell. She was shocked as she saw the two words that were to create the deadly weapon. The words were 'Morte' and 'Alenti' ... 

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