Chapter 11

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Within the next two days King Veldon was feeling better and walking again although his wound did pain him. But his heart was a place of sadness. If one could leap inside and walk inside there, you would never feel happiness again. Grief, anger, resentment... Every painful emotion was living inside of him, slowly tearing him apart. His wife was dead. His daughter had tried to kill him. His daughter was dead. Anne was all he lived for. He now sat in his room thinking of the disaster surrounding him.

Hersage entered the room looking pale. Veldon stood up and asked," Is everything fine? What happened?"

Hersage slowly replied," The Fire Clan has just sent a message. A guard was patrolling the grounds when he saw something strange happening. He immediately called me. In the sky, words had been formed from smoke..."

"What did they say?"

"They said "Prepare your men. The Fire Clan declares war on your kingdom. Witches against men. You have three days starting now. Long live Domitates" and that was it."

"I see. Assemble my men. Call forth all the available magicians. You and I will stay here as a last defence. The Fire Clan will find out very shortly why we are the most feared kingdom!"

While Veldon was organising his men for war against one clan, another clan was walking across the water towards Anne and her companions. Aquas reached the ground and hissed, "Give us the princess and we'll let you live."

Cigam raised his hand, "Never! Cum ignsi cremo!" The fire erupted from his hand engulfing the clan leader but she merely laughed.

"My magic is too powerful. Nice try. Aquae artus ascensus!"

Cigam was easily knocked aside. The witch then aimed for Stefan, not knowing who he was exactly in the dark. He saw it coming and retaliated with Defendre, the defensive spell. The minute Salvatora's student used his magic, she saw darkness in it and realised exactly who Stefan was now. But, there was no time to fight with him now. She saw Anne fending off several witches with her sword with Cigam by her side. She looked across the lake and gave a loud cry, "'Arrêter!" Being the witch of ice this spell managed to freeze the entire lake along with half of the witches army. Stefan came alongside and shot the fire spell, killing every witch that was frozen. He would have Anne's throat. Stefan walked up to Aquas while her followers were now in combat on the ground. He said," The princess is mine, leave."

"I have orders from our master that my clan is to kill her. Step aside."

Salvatora could restore Stefan but she needed him unconscious first. Her opportunity had come up while he was arguing with the water witch and so she turned towards him and, with a sad pain rising said, "Assommer Stefan!" Her student simply fell on the spot. The powerful spell knocked him down and it would be a while before he would awake.

Aquas looked at Salvatora in amazement before they engaged in combat, spells flying all over. It was not looking good for the ice witch as spell after spell hit her from the water witch.

Meanwhile, Anne fought bravely. Cigam was deflecting many spells being thrown at himself and the princess while she was striking true with her blade. It was not easy as the Water Clan were powerful magicians. But it was lucky that their leader seemed preoccupied and so did not help. Very soon, a scarred princess struck down the last witch. Unfortunately, very few witches were killed even though all were now injured. Fortunately, however, all were lying on the ground and so Cigam made quick work by using the death spell to finish off each witch. After using so much magic, Cigam fainted on the spot. Anne was left alone, blood oozing from her being. She looked around seeing her magician on the floor along with Stefan. She saw witches dead everywhere along with the remains of those who had been frozen. Each witch looked almost identical and each terrifying with their fangs and long, shining fingers. She shivered as she remembered the attack back at her home from a witch. Her eyes fell upon Salvatora struggling against the leader of the Water Clan. She rushed over to help her. By this point the dim light that there was had already vanished and so Anne tried out a new spell that she had learned, "Sequor cum luxae!" A bright light shone across the camp and Anne rushed forward slicing Aquas along the leg with her curved blade. The witch fell and saw that all of her followers had died. Salvatora weakly walked over to Anne as they stood looking over Aquas, weeping.

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