Chapter 25

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The golden light did not stop to glow. It glowed through the night. It glowed even while the tradgedies continued to unravel far in the land of ice. It erased the sadness and the hurt. It was more powerful than the bad memories. Dawn came and the light began to fade. Everyone stirred and started chatting amongst themselves. The kings looked at each other triumphantly. But the real event was in the middle. Two men stood there. They looked fresh and healthy. Strong and powerful. The golden light stilled glowed around them. But there was something further in the middle. A golden sword of pure light. Beautiful and magnificent. Everyone ceased their talking and stared at it in awe. Hersage picked up and found it far too heavy. Cigam assisted him and the two men combined easily lifted it up. Cigam smiled, "Too weak alone?" the sword was like a feather. Hersage was puzzled and experimentally let go. Cigam faltered under its weight. Veldon watched very closely and made a mental note. Then he walked towards the men.

"Forgive me," Veldon burst out when he was near.

"Why?" they both asked in unison.

Veldon told them why he made them fight.

Cigam thought for a moment then said, "It's good that you did."

Hersage nodded in agreement.

All three stared at the sword. Veldon tried to take it but he could not lift it even with the help of Cijam. It seemed as though only the two of them could use it.

Seralin approached, "What is it?"

Veldon smiled, "It must be a weapon powerful enough to kill Domitates. I think it's time we went to Domitates ourselves and attack."

A loud cheer went around the kingdom.

Domitates rested by a tree deep in thought. He had two sons. One now but nonetheless. Two. He put the puzzle together, quickly figuring out how they had controlled him eighteen years ago. He also thought he knew how they wanted to kill him now. But it had failed. Instead, his son had perished and now the 'dangerous weapon' was gone. He couldn't care less. He would kill his other son first if he had to. Rose was the last person he would grow fond of. Never again! But what now? He would attack the travellers once again. It was becoming a habit. Failing was also becoming a persistent habit. He growled. There was a rustle in the tress behind him and the ten wolves emerged.

The leader spoke, "Ninety years of this..."

They jumped at the dark creature. One of the wolves hurt Domitates badly for the very first time. He had sunk his teeth into the dark creature's hand and ripped it off. It would not be able to grow back. Domitates had to focus very well to be able to cast the magic to disappear. The wolves each got a turn to chew on the hand. They suddenly felt a lot closer to their normal animal wolf ancestors and had a game with the 'chew toy'.

Domitates felt as though he would not survive this torture. Maybe he could vanish for a couple of centuries and then come back to torment a new generation of people. But that would be cowardly. He did want to be remembered in such a disgraceful manner for then he would have to bear the shame for an eternity. He found a secluded cave and went inside to rest.

The wolves knew where he was. It was a little secret – they were able to smell him out. If he thought that he could escape he was wrong. Domitates could run. He could run like a starved wolf. He could run like death was chasing death. He could run as far as this world would let him

But he couldn't hide...

Veldon prepared plans to attack Domitates. The wolves had decided to let the king in on the secret and swore that they would lead him into battle. Veldon wanted to test the sword. He also wanted the element of surprise. And for the very first time in what would feel to Veldon as infinity, he would get what he wanted. He would accompany Cigam and Hersage and then they would use the golden sword to attack Domitates. If nothing happened they would quickly retreat. All they wanted to do was test the sword.

The party of wolves, kings and men approached a cave. Cigam cast a spell around them that what conceal every noise they made. This was very useful for producing the element of surprise. Veldon saw Domitates sleeping at the edge of the cave holding onto his arm. The wolf next to him grinned, revealing his fangs. Veldon reluctantly returned the smile.

Hersage whispered to Cigam, "Ok, we charge at him, stab in any direction then run."

Cigam replied in a shout, fully knowing that his magic was in place, "Great!"

Hersage rolled his eyes. "Let's go!"

They ran towards the creature of darkness. They had been practicing using the sword in unison for a while. It was tricky but it worked. Domitates opened a red eye and saw a golden light hit his leg. Pain was such a new concept to the creature. The sword sliced through his leg cutting it off. Veldon and the wolves ran to join the fight with joy. Domitates wanted to cry. No one wanted to leave him be. He lashed out, hitting Hersage who lost his grip on the sword. The sword fell out of Cigam's hand due to the weight. Domitates just vanished, easily doing this now with so much practice. The attacking party was very disappointed. This was a golden opportunity to end this war. Veldon spoke to everyone, "At least we now know that this sword has amazing powers beyond our understanding.

The wolf shook his head, "I can guess what Domitates will do. He will kill one of them," he indicated to Hersage and Cigam, "And then the sword will be useless."

Hersage and Cigam looked at each other.

Everything had a weakness.   

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