Chapter 23

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The men from all four kingdoms were gathered around the circle marked out for the battle today. Inside stood two men both lost to their own thoughts. Cigam stood to the left adorned in green armour. He had enchanted it the night before to ward off any fatal blows from a sword. The armour only covered his chest. His hands were free to do any magic required. Cigam's brown hair had grown on their journey and now hung tied back out of his eyes. He was going to show Hersage everything he knew.

Hersage was on the right. He wore armour the colour of the kingdom -blue and white- from head to foot with light brown eyes being the only visible part of his face. He had a determined expression on his face. In his one hand was the sword of fire that he had won. In his other a shield. At his waste hung his other curved blade. He was ready. His shield was protected by a potion which would repel magic. He would not kill Cigam but merely strike him with his sword until blood flowed and he gasped in pain.

Veldon came in on the scene. He looked very fragile but still walked with authority. He spoke in a loud voice so that all would be able to hear his voice, "Kings and warriors from all kingdoms, today I give you a battle of swords and magic. Hersage and Cigam are their names. The one who wins will earn a reward. The other will win embarrassment at having boasted about their talents only to be proved wrong. I, King Veldon Archiamedia, hereby declare this battle legitimate. You may now...."

Veldon was cut off by the messenger, Percy, walking up to him quickly and whispering in his ear, "My king, I am so very sorry but you have yet to give me my reward for bringing the Ice Witch to you."

Veldon smiled apologetically. He was the fairest king of all and would always be. "Come to me after the fight and we will speak."

Percy smiled and ran off the stage.

"My apologies," Veldon said as he looked at his two friends about to fight, You may now proceed with the battle!"

The crowd cheered emphatically.

Hersage lifted his sword to the air screaming, "Ignis! For the kingdom!"

With his sword ablaze he charged at Cigam who rose his hand saying, "Terra!"

The ground rose unevenly before him and Hersage faltered and lost his footing.

Cigam said in an even tone, "Cum ignis cremo!" and a jet of fire was propelled to the man on the ground who rose his shield to the fire. It did not harm him at all. Cigam smiled at this and looked at the very loud audience, "Everyone, look at this man. He claims to loathe the use of magic and thinks that swords and physical fighting solves all and yet he uses a sword which is made of magic and a shield made of potions!"

The people began to laugh in agreement. Hersage threw down his shield and sword, drawing his curved blade.

The kings watched the battle with a trace of worry. Seralin turned to Veldon as he saw . "What meaning does this battle really have to you Veldon?" Seralin asked.

"A legend has sparked curiosity within me when I saw the wolves turn against the creature of darkness."

"Quickly, tell me what legend you speak of."

"The legend of the werewolves who now lie dead."

Seralin's eyes sparkled with interest, "I see!"

This time, Hersage was ready. He ran at Cigam who cast several fire, water and light spells at him. Hersage managed to evade these and reached the magician. He dived hitting Cigam across the leg with the flat part of the sword but still with full force. Cigam fell to the ground. As he fell he shouted, "Arreter!" freezing Hersage on the ground. He quickly healed his own leg and stood up. He said, "Who wants to hear the death spell?" He gestured to the frozen man. "I do!" he answered his own question. He walked around the ring willing the crowd to shout louder and louder. The crowd roared in anticipation of what was to occur.

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