Chapter 6: After Kick

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A/N: So sorry for the wait but here it is Thank you so much for all the reads and votes you have no idea how much it means

Everyone was shocked about what happened at lunch. My brothers start asking me a bunch of question. "What happened" Why did you do that" How did you do that" Emilia say something" I just shrugged. They look to Lexi and Bella for answers and they explain what happened.

Stefan: Why were you using sign language, do you have hearing problems

I look to Bella telling her to explain

Bella: She has selective mutism she was diagnosed when we were in foster care and that's when we all learned ASL to communicate.

Matei: Oh

Lexi: Lets go to class we have P.E

Matei and Stefan: Same

Luca: I have another class so bye

We all reply "bye" talk to you later" "see ya"

We all head to the gym. It's empty since we're early but I don't mind. We all sit against the wall and just talk. I lay my head on Matei's lap and just fiddle with my fingers. Soon everyone comes in.

Xavier Pov

Lunch was over so I head to P.E since me and the boys had that next. I walk into the gym and see Emilia laying on Matei. I can't help but feel jealous and angry. What kind of relationship do they have where they are that comfortable with each other.

Emilia Pov

The teacher asks us all to gather around so I got up and headed toward him. I noticed Xavier glaring at my brothers and so were Max and Caleb. I just shake my head and ignore it. Soon class was over. Bella needs to use the restroom so me and Lexi go with her.

Stefan: Whats with girls always going to the bathroom in groups

Matei: Laughing

I shoot them both a glare that instantly shuts up. I smirk then go with my sisters.

We head to our next class AP Biology. I just look at the window for most of the class and drown in my thoughts.

Brrrrrrrrrrringggggg the bell rings snapping me back to reality

Our next class is Art I decide to pay attention since it's a class I like. I notice Xavier and his friends are also in this class.

Class starts and the teacher says we have a group project. We will be in pairs. We had to make an oil pastel painting. He announced the groups. I ended up with Xavier, Caleb with Lexi, and Max with Bella. It didn't seem like a coincidence that we were all paired up together but whatever. Everyone switches seats so they're near their partners.

Lexi: So you guys wanna come over after school to work on the project

Xavier, Max, and Caleb: "Yea" "Sure" "Okay"

Bella: All right then come over at 6 o clock.

The Bell rings and we get up. The girls and I get up and head to our bikes happy that school is finally over. We notice the boys hav been following us so we turn around

Lexi: We said at 6 not now

Caleb: We don't have you guy's address

I see Lexi blush in embarrassment I grab a pen take Calebs hand and write it down then get on my bike and leave.

Xavier Pov

I glare at Caleb I can't believe he felt Emilia's touch before me.

He looks up and says "hey wasn't my fault"

Emilia Pov

We stop at a gas station to fill up. We decided we would go home around 5:30 so we have 2 and Half hours to kill. We needed to get some art supplies and we wanted ti meet up with an old friend

A/N: Don't worry I won't make you guys wait as long this time I'll add the next few chapters soon

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