Chapter 14: Unknown

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A couple days later


Today was Friday and we had early release for a reason that I had forgotten. I got a text from an unknown number during lunch which was weird. I texted back asking who they were but all they replied was "3, New York, St. Patricks day, Virginia". I tried and thought hard about what those things could mean then remembered the triplets. I immediately went to the bathroom and called the number but there was no answer. I was hoping I could ignore it and maybe it wasn't them, but I couldn't help but feel uneasy.

After lunch school was over and we went home. I couldn't stop thinking about that text. I knew I couldn't tell the others because it would open up a whole can of worms of what happened between the triplets and the 3 of us in Virginia and what one of them did to Bella. I'm sure Bella still wasn't over it she was just pretending she was so I could never bring this up.

I was in my room watching Netflix when I got another text:

Unknown: Did you figure it out

Emilia: You're one of the triplets aren't you

Unknown: I knew you were smart

Emilia: How could you think of contacting me after what went down

Unknown: I didn't do that to Bella my brother did

Emilia: Leave me alone

Unknown: See you soon

I could already tell which triplet it was. It was Asher. Years ago we went to New York for St.Patricks day weekend and that was when we met the triplets. Asher was born second, Archer last, and Arthur first. We went to a bar and had a good time we all flirted each other a bit but nothing came of it. We exchanged numbers and eventually lost touch. But later we found out that Bella had kept in touch with Arthur.

I shook away my worries and went down for dinner. Everyone was at the table. I didn't feel like talking much so I just got a pice of the capers steak and ate while thinking about what to do. I was so absorbed in my thoughts I hadn't realized mom had been calling my name. I felt someone shake me and I snapped out of it

Emilia: What

Lexi: Allegra's been calling your for like the past 5 minutes

Emilia: Oh sorry

Allegra: Is everything okay you seem pretty out of it

Emilia: I'm fine

Bella and Lexi and give each other look because they know me best and they know somethings up.

After I finish eating I tell everyone I'm gonna go for a walk and leave. I ended up walking a whole mile away when I suddenly heard someone behind me. I started running without looking back as fast as I could I turned on a corner and hid there. When I didn't see anyone I started making my way back when I felt someone grab my arm and turn me around. It was Asher.

Asher: I told you I would see you soon

Emilia: Have you been spying on me? How did you find me

Asher: My dad was relocated to New York, and I found you by checking you out on his work laptop. Interpol is so thorough. Who knew you, Lexi, and Bella would all be adopted by one family

Emilia: Yea some luck

Thoughts: I felt relief that he didn't know the Covaci's were my biological family, he probably couldn't dig up too much on the Covaci's without someone finding out he used his dad's laptop

Emilia: Stay the hell away from me and my sisters

Asher: No promises

Emilia: stay the hell away from us

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