Chapter 19: Monday

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A/N: So my dumb self clicked save instead of publish so i thought this chapter has been up since like last week🤦‍♀️. I'm so sorry

It was a quiet night in the Covaci household. But everyones minds were bustling with thoughts. Everyone was trying to go to sleep but all they could do was think of what would happen when they wake the next day Monday.

7 o'clock in the morning everyone got up but no one said a word. By 7:45 they were all in the kitchen eating silent before someone finally spoke up.

"I'm gonna go" Bella said quietly

Stefan: "What"

Bella: "I'm gonna go to school, I want to"

Everyone started protesting and saying she doesn't have to but eventually she persuaded them. After they finished eating the boys took their cars and the girls took their bikes. They arrived at school parked and started making their way to class.

The girls had Pre-calculus first so that's where they went. They sat in their usual seats in the back of the classroom. They didn't see the triplets so they hopefully thought they weren't in the same class. They all zoned out and did their own thing waiting for class to end when the door was pushed open and Asher walked in, Immediately catching their attention.

Teacher: "Who are you?"

Asher: "Asher James , I'm a new student"

The teacher checks his laptop then says "ah I see your name, why don't you go and sit next to Alexandra by the window, Alexandra raise your hand"

Asher who already recognized her smirked and and she rolled her eyes. Arthur and Archer must have not been in this class since they didn't come in with Asher. As class went on Asher made attempts to talk to the girls but they ignored him. Eventually class ended and as they were making their way to the door a hand blocked their way Ashers. "So what you're just gonna ignore me" Emilia smacks his hand away and replies looking him in the eyes "Yes". Th girls leave and go to their next class. They go from class to class to class until finally it's lunch time. They had seen both Asher and Archer but no sign of Arthur.

We were all sitting at our lunch table eating when all of sudden the intercom goes: "Code  RED Code Red This is not a drill we are going into lockdown. Teachers in the cafeteria lock the doors, Teachers in classrooms collect nearby students and lock doors as well.

Emilia's thoughts: A code red meant there was someone on campus with a gun/weapon. What the hell is going

I'm not working tomorrow so I'll have time to write the next chapter and will update when I finish. Thank you all for your patience.
Also do you guys think I should permanently change the title to "Found but Broken" i feel like it fits the storyline more?

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