Chapter 10: Aftermath

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Alexandra: "Why do you all look like that, we're not saints. Besides you only heard what one of us did at that party you should be thankful"

Matei: "I can't eat anymore"

Luca: "More for me"

They all sat in awkward silence for awhile until Emilia signed to Lexi if she wants to go upstairs. Lexi then signed to Emilia she'll ask Bella. Bella signed yes. Everyone was silenty watching them with puzzled looks on their faces. Wondering why they were using sign language. When the girls were speaking in ASL before Xavier, Max, and Caleb had already seen them using sign but they still didn't know why. It was quiet for a while until Luca said something.

Luca: "Do you guys have hearing problems or something"

Everyone looked shocked even though he had said what they were all thinking but none of them dared ask.

Alexandra: "Its complicated"

Matei: "Why"

Isabella: "The sign language isn't for me or Alexandra its for Emilia"

Stefan: "Why though"

Alexandra: "Look I won't explain cause its a long story and it's not mine to tell but if you wanna talk to her and get closer to her, I suggest you learn ASL"

Isabella: "Come on lets go upstairs"

Once the girls went upstairs Xavier and his friends left soon after. Once they were alone her brothers started talking

Matei: Do you think she has some kind of medical condition

Luca: "I don't know maybe"

Matei: "Did you see her medical records"

Stefan: "She doesn't have any, the only thing we know is that she was in foster care for awhile and she lived with that bitch who kidnapped her"

Lucian says  "watch you language" as he had just come home along with Adrian

Adrians: "Whats going on"

Stefan, Matei, and Luca fill their brothers in on what happened during dinner

Luca: "So what should we do"

Adrian: "For now just try to learn sign language and we'll see what happens"

Lucian: "I'll fill in mom and dad on what happened, Mom already knows sign language from her volunteer days so she can teach us some"

Adrian: "Is that everything"

Luca: "Oh Emilia got in a fight at school today

Adrian and Lucian "WHAT"

Matei: "Relax I'll tell you happened"

Tells them what happened at school

Adrians: "Must have been some kick"

Lucian: "Wonder where she learned"

Matei: "Who cares come on lets go to sleep"

This chapters shout outs go to






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