Hands OFF!! ~Broken

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I played with Dees fingers. She was sitting on the grass behind me and her arms around my waist.
"What y'all doing today?" Mike asked as he took a bite out of his Apple. We were all outside sitting under the oak tree eating lunch.
"Me and Dee got Basketball Conditioning" Gianna said.
"I really don't know why I need a condition for IMA make the team" Dee said.
"Always room for improvement" GiGi said. I could feel Dees body behind me tensing up. I squeezed her hand.
"Yeah that too" Dee sighed.
"Anyway Im going to football practice" tay said.
"You playing football niggah?" Mike asked.
"Yeah. Im just trying it out for scholarships you know"
"What about basketball" mike said.
"Season ain't start yet"
"But we got conditioning" I could hear the concern in Mikes voice. From what GI told me. Mike and Tay always wanted to go to FSU and play for the seminols basketball team together. Maybe Tay taking an intrest in football might ruin that.
"Fuck conditioning. I never conditioned a day in my life. And I make the team every year. I'll be okay Mike" tay assured. Mike simply nodded and continued his lunch.
"Well I'm going to Asia's house after school" Brielle spoke. Everyone looked at her.
"Asia...... Thot ass asia?" Dee asked her. Bri kissed her teeth and rolled her eyes.
"I'm tired of yo slick shit bro. Loren, getcho girl!" Bri said. I giggled.
"For real wassup with you and her. You sleeping with the enemy or what?" Mike raised an eyebrow.
"Noo mane tf. We doing the Senior project together. And if I was so niggah wtf was you gon do... Not shit!" Bri semi yelled.
"Okay , okay calm your Lil thugish ass down. My niggah it was just a question" tay said. Gianna laughed at him. And Bri rolled her eyes.
"Well it looks like everyone is busy later" GI said. I cleared my throat.

"Babe wat you doing later" dee asked.
"Not shit. I don't play sports and I don't have a crush to do a project wi-" "yes you do" GI cut me off smirking.
"You thought" I shut her down. Dee snickered behind me.
"But for real i guess IMA just stay home n watch TV n wait for one of y'all to get home. " I suggested. They nodded and we continued to talk about pointless shit.


"Thanks baby." I said before kissing Dee
"I'll text you after conditioning" she said. I smiled.
"Okay babe have fun" I said. She nodded and I got out the car and walked up my driveway. Teri's car was parked in my drive way along with my moms. I wasn't to bothered that Teri and Oreo would possible be inside, because I'm pretty sure Jasmine will be at Basketball Conditioning too.
I opened my front door and stepped in.
"LOREN BABY?" I heard my mom laugh my name. I mentally rolled my eyes.
"MHHHM" I replyed. I followed the laughs into the kitchen , where Teri and my mom sat around the table with wine and some magazines. I smiled.
"Hey Teri" I greeted her.
"Hey baby girl, how was school?" She asked. I shrugged.
"School was school" I said. She nodded.
"Well, there is a sub from subway in the fridge if your hungry, I eat half." My mom said. I nodded.
"Um Jasmine is up in your room waiting for you" Teri said. My eyes almost popped out my head and feel on the floor. I know this bitch really isn't in my room. I attempted to run out the kitched to go up stairs but my mom stopped me.
"Remember to get Loura off the bus at 4 hun. Me and Teri is gonna go to out" she said.
"Yeah yeah. Gotta go" I said and ran out the kitchen. I stormed upstairs to my room and practically kicked the door down.
I looked in my room and saw Jasmine standing by my window on her phone. She looked up at me.
"What the fuck you came up here like that for?" She asked.
"Bitch this is my room" I said.
"Clearly" she said in a dah tone.
"Glade we both know. Now get the fuck out!" I shouted.
"Calm down. And be quiet damn. Oreo is sleep on yo bed" Jas smirked. My eyes widened as I saw her fucking dog sleeping in my bed. I took a deep breath. I know all this bitch wants to do is get under my skin.
"She can stay. Yo fuck ass gotta go . NOW!" I said.
"Damn you pick the dog over me Lor , that hurts" she put her hand on her chest.
"I would choose shit over you cause yeen worth it" I said. Jasmine pushed her self off the wall and walked over to me.
"The door is that way" I pointed. She looked and then fixed her eyes on me.
"You know, I remember when you wouldnt say a word. " she chuckled.
"You talk mad shit now" she added.
"I remember when all I wanted was for you to hold me. Now all I want is a bullet in your skull" I hissed.
"Harshh" she smirked.
"Get tf out my room . I'm not say it again. "
"What you gon do. Call yo pussy ass girlfriend on me?" Jas chuckled.
"Her name is Deja. "
"I know the bitches name. Trust me" she said.
"You sound pretty salty" I smirked.
"I ain't salty , I can't even be mad. I tasted you already, did she get her lick yet" jasmine smirked and my palm connected so fast with her cheek. I don't know what came over me, but every time I remember what she said to me I wanted to kill her ass. Jasmine looked at me in disbelief. Then her nostrils cleared and her Jew clenched. Before I could take another breath my back was against the wall and she hand a tight grip on my wrist.
"Look im gone let that shit slid. But I promise if you put your fucking hands on me again. You got another fucking thing coming" she said through her teeth. Her grip on my wrist got tighter and I winced in pain.
"Jasmine stop! Your hurting me" I cryed. Her nails were digging into my once slit wristed and pain flushed through my body.
"Do you fucking understand!" She semi yelled. Her grip tighter than before. I was almost on my knees.
"AHH. Yes. shit. IM SORRY!" I cried out. she releases my hands and stepped away from me. I looked down at my wrist. It was red and her nails tore my skin causing me to bleed. I shock my head I looked up at jasmine. I felt my eyes water. She looked at me and didn't say a word.

"I don't know who the hell you are anymore" I said, my tears finally making their way down my cheeks.
"You never knew who I was in the first place" Jasmine said. I got up and began walking to my bathroom.
"Just get out" I said softly. This time she listened. I walked into my bathroom and turned on the sink. I ran cold water over my wrist.

"Loren! Fucking tell me. Its not like I'm gonna hurt you! I'm just trying to freaking help this hole time all I have been trying to do is help and you won't say a fucking word! How did you get those scars....."

You gave them to me....

"You always have me to talk to, you don't need to harm you self ever again, I'll always be here, I will never hurt you......"

You just did.....

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Remembering the lies Jasmine told me. I opened up to her, told her my worst nightmares. And she promised she wouldn't hurt me. Now look where I am. Broken.

~hope y'all liked

-read '3ForTheMoney'


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