Sparks ^.^

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"Nah, haven't seen him cuzo, but you never know, that niggah be sneaking"
Tay spoke.

We were on the phone talking about Dwayne.

"I just wanted to know if he's still up there. I had this dream last night, that he came to Florida and tried to dragg us back to New York."

"Awe hell, but it was just a dream Lor. Its not like its gonna come alive. if all my dreams came true I would be a rich ass niggah right now" she chuckled.

I smiled "yeah, you prolly right"

"Yeah, and either way your in Hawaii Loren, you shoundt be stressing over nothiiing right now"

"You right bout that too"

Beep beep beep.

"Aye, IMA call you back Taylor, I'm getting another call" I said as I looked at Dee's name flash across my screen.

"Alright, Lil cuz, love you"

"Love you too" I said before clicking over.

"Hey baby h-"

"Where the hell you at?" She cut me off

I frowned my eyebrows. "You know I'm in Hawaii Deja,"

"Yeah, okay but who you with?" She asked.

"My family....."

"Jasmine your family too?" She asked in a harsh tone.

I pressed my lips together, how the hell she know I was here with jasmine?

"No but her mom invited us to co-"

Silent Diaries: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now