Drunken Love ❤

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I sat back in amazement as I watched Olivia dance, she did a backflip into a split as she finished off her routine. Me and asia applauded her.
"Girl your amazing" Asia praised her.
"Really, I was so nervous" oliva blushed, I smiled , she is adorable.
"You got talent girl, no doubt" I complemented.
"Thanks so much"
"We'll see you Monday after school" asia told her
"Alright" oliva grinned and practically skipped out the gym.
"She was amazing" Asia said in awe.
"Yeah.."I said as I dug in my pocket for my phone, its been vibrating the whole time. As I was about the answer it asia took my phone away from me.
"Stop. Bri, we have to watch the rest of the auditions" she said turning off my phone. She handed it back to me and I pushed it into my pocket.
"Thank you boo" she smiled and then she turned her attention to the twins who stood in front of us. Kia and Alia , they were ballet dancers, I first met them when I was 12 in ballet class.
Kia and Alia started their music and began prancing around the gym.



" bro she isn't picking up" I told mike.
"Where the hell could she be for real" Mike said pacing. He was stressed its 12:30 and Brielle wasn't here yet, she missed the whole Ceremony, and now we are at the reception, and she is no where to be found.

"She's gonna be here mike, Brielle has never let you down before" deja tryed to sooth him.

"I know, but if she isn't here in 20 minutes IMA have to dance alone and IMA look stupid" mike stressed.

"How bout you show us the steps, just in case Bri doesn't show up" tay suggested.

"Yeah, One of us can fill in for her" Dee added.

"Alright, I just hope she is okay" mike sighed.

I hope brielle shows up sooner rather than later, or this isn't going to be pretty.

"Hell nah you got the wrong one, I'm not finna hit no split" Dee said. I started laughing.

"But that's how it go" mike chuckled.
"Come on Deja, Bri isn't here yet and if we gotta go up there you gotta do a split" tay laughed.

"I said hell no! IMA team player and all but Mike if I pop sumn I'm coming after you, I ain't finna take that risk" Dee made clear.

"I'll do it" I said.

"We all know Gianna can do splits on a dick, gon head girl" Deja laughed

"Akekeekeeke bitch you funny, "

"I'm joking, but problem solved"

"Okay well I'm glad y'all here to help, but we all gon look stupid" Mike laughed.
"At least we looking dumb as fuck together" tay chuckled.

"Bruh, when I see Brielle, its gon be me and her on everything" mike threatened.

"I'm pretty sure she has a good excuse for standing you up Mike, brielle isn't the irresponsible one of the group" Dee said.

"She right, I am and I even showed up" I pointed out.

Mike took a deep breath. "Well let's get in dere, we gotta show off our skills soon"

"Damn right" tay laughed,

" for some reason I feel like we were supposed to huddle up , or do a fist bump or something like they do in the movies. "

"If you don't shut yo dumb ass up" Deja snapped at me.
"Don't let me call Loren to get up ass now " deja kissed her teeth and we all walked back into the building where the reception was held. mike's brother was just about to give his toste when we walked in, we took a set at our table and raised our glasses.

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