I Can Make Love To You.

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I stood frozen in shock as her hand smoothly ran across every scar on my body, small or large, new or old. She didn't miss not one.

I wanted to break down in tears and run out of the bathroom but I couldn't, my body wouldn't allow me to move.

I looked down at her now on her knees. Her eyes glisened with fresh tears as she looked back at me.

"I Can Make Love To You" she breath out barely audible.

I stared at her, wondering how we got here; to this very moment.


I kissed my teeth to my self and slammed my hand against my locker.
For the fourth time this week, it was stuck again.

"Don't murder it" Jasmine chuckled walking over to me.

I let out a frustrating sigh. "I'm sick of this shit Jas, it was perfectly fine when we left for break and since Monday, its been doing this shit"

Jasmine stepped in front of me and pit her hand on the dial.

"You have to make love to your locker Loren. You can't beat it up and expect it to open" she joked.

I slapped her arm " stop fucking with me Jasmine"

She laughed "okay.. But I spoke to the Custodian about it, and he said he'll oil it this weekend"

"Good cause that's annoying" I sighed.

"Yeah, soo I'll just carry your books until then" jas offered. Taking my books out of my hand.

"Thanks sweetness" I smiled. Jas started to walk towards our 2nd period class and I walk along side her.

"So you know winter festival thing in Miami" jas asked

"Yeah my mom decorated the hotels lobby and dinning rooms. Down there for it. " I said.

"Yeah so our moms are going for the weekend"

I frowned my eyebrows. "They are? My mom didn't mention going. She just spoke about getting paid a lot to decorate"

"Well my mom got tickets to go and their going for the weekend"

I shrugged. "Hope they have fun.."

"I don't care if they have fun. They always leaving us outta shit. But you and loura and spend the weekend with me. At my house . if y'all want to."

I smirked at jasmine. "Your scared to stay home alone?" I gigglied.

"What?! No! And I wont be alonne .I'll have oreo." Jasmine defended.

"Yeah sure the cookie will keep your company" I laughed.

"Fuck you Loren . for real" Jas chuckled.

"But yeah, we'll come, but your responsible for feeding us!" I said.

"Ah hell IMA have to buy a weeks worth of food for yalls fat asses then" jasmine over exaggerated.

"Look we not that fat now. Damn!"

We laughed as we walked into the art class , then going our separate ways to our seats. Jas still sat with Asia and her friends. And I still sat next to Deja and tay.

Tay did apologize to Deja for letting his sister beat her up. He said he would pick his sisters side any day whether she's wrong or right. But he should of stopped her sooner than he did, knowing that he could.

Silent Diaries: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now