Chapter I: Reincarnated?

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"Shit, Shit, Shit, I'm so fucking late," Axl Swore as he ran into the station, "Why do I have to keep oversleeping?! One more Tardy and my boss is gonna fire me!!"
Axl slid down the railing of the train station, stumbling as he jumped off and tapped his train card on the payment terminal. He ran through the turnstile and onto the train platform, just to see the train starting to pull away.
"Wait," Axl called, running along the edge of the platform. All the while hoping to catch the boarding step. Unfortunately, fate had other plans, as he got to the end of the platform and he tripped off the side of the platform. Shit, Axl thought as he fell, but again, fate had something else in mind for Axl. A dark tear in space-time opened below him and he tumbled in. As his eyes refocused he saw that he was floating through a black and maroon void. "Well, is that it? Am I dead?" Axl asked to himself.

"Beginning world transfer protocol," a feminine synthetic voice said, unbeknownst to Axl, "Conditions for power definition set to regrets."

Axl sighed, and thought back over his life, seeing nothing better to do in this moment, "Well, I guess my first mistake was that I never got good at anything. Even just being a jack-of-all-trades would've been better."

"Desire for a diverse skillset accepted. Unique skill [King-of-all-trades] acquired," Acknowledged the unheard voice.

"Not to mention I was dissatisfied with my body, and I really wasn't the smartest or smoothest guy around, maybe in my next life I'll be an adorable pet or a cute girl, though, you can't really pick these things."

"Dissatisfaction with a constant physical appearance and self-perceived lack of redeeming qualities acknowledged, unique skills [Polymorph] and [Apex Being] acquired. Additionally these unique skills have merged to form the Ultimate skill: [Loki, silver-tounged trickster]."

"Damn, I had another really creative proposal for work today, too bad I don't work great on an empty stomach, inspiration could've struck if I'd eaten a little earlier, my dinner was apparently a great solution to the problem when arranged correctly."

"Aptitude for creativity, and large appetite Acknowledged," the voice confirmed, "The unique skills [Skill Weaver] and [Skill Eater] have been acquired. Additionally, the unique skills [Skill Weaver], [Skill eater], and [King-of-all-Trades] have merged to form the Ultimate skill [Omnitalented]."

"Welp, there's no changing anything now, I guess I get to just wait and see what comes next."

"Skill selection process complete. Distilling the ultimate skills [Omnitalented] and [Loki, Silver Tongued Trickster] into target."

With such a rush of power and knowledge that filled every fibre of Axl's being, the young man passed out from the shock.

-scene break: a Chibi Axl falling out of a Gap while unconscious-

Axl briefly stirred, his head killing him, before a feminine voice came into sharp focus, "I was so sure I summoned a powerful mystical being from the outside world, but this kid is normal from what I can tell. I've never been this inaccurate, Eirin, never."

Axl's stopped moving, stock still as he lay there, unintentionally eavesdropping on someone. "Calm Down, Yukari. I can already tell by how upset you are by this that you aren't sick. I don't know what happened, but it must've been something else that caused you to miss your mark," Another voice, Eirin, Axl assumed replied, "Anyway, he looks like he's in pain, if nothing else let me heal him and wipe his memory."

At this, Axl's eyes snapped open, "Oh heeellll naw, you ain't touchin' shit!!!" Axl rolled to his feet, getting into a ready stance, as he did he got a look at the two women who had been talking, one was a blond woman wearing a mob cap, decorated with a small ribbon on the front, a fancy looking dress and carrying a parasol, the other one was an ageless matronly woman, with silvery hair and a half-red, half-blue dress covered with white constellations and wearing an old fashioned nurse's cap with a similar color scheme. Axl realized who he was looking at as he dropped into a kowtow, "Yukari Yakumo, Eirin Yagokoro! Please forgive this idiot human for his insolence, I Should've recognized that the portal that brought me here was one of Yukari's gaps."

Axl heard a sigh followed by Yukari saying, "Stand up kid, I wasn't planning on killing you,"

Axl rose to his feet, "You weren't? Why would you use the effort to summon someone from the outside world then?"

Yukari gazed at Axl intently for a moment before another realization hit the young man, "You were probably bored, so you wanted to summon someone so you could have some fun watching the mischief, but for some reason you accidentally summoned me," Axl relaxed a bit, "That's the Yukari I know of, ZUN wouldn't create a character who kills for such a stupid reason."

Yukari's expression was unreadable as she held up a fan in front of her face, "My, you guessed my intentions quite well. But I must ask, what were you babbling about in the second half? I didn't bring you here through the boundary of sanity and madness."

Axl chuckled, "You know Sanae Kochiya, I assume," He asked, "If she's from the outside world, she's from a different version of it, in the version of the outside world I'm from, this world is a setting for a video game franchise and it's multitude of fanworks, known as The Touhou Project." Yukari was visibly intrigued at this revelation, and Axl said that he could prove it if she gave him a strand of her and Eirin's hair. Confused about how that would do anything, Yukari obliged.

Axel grasped the two stands of hair in his fist, and with a sticky "Schlup!" the strands of hair vanished. Axl then cleared his throat and said "I know just the proof to give you, just give me one moment" Axl lifted his hand and made a sweeping motion, as though he was clearing a stench from the air, and after a moment a gate opened up and a pile of Touhou Fumo Stuffed Toys tumbled out. "Adorable aren't they," Axl chuckled as another gate opened and the Fumos all funneled into the rift and a rainbow bundle of hair flew out in their place. Once again Axl grabbed the bundle, making it vanish with that same sound.

"Ahh, there we go," Axl sighed, flexing his arm, "Thanks for the power, you two, but I'm gonna need you two to not remember that I exist." The light faded from Yukari and Erin's eyes as he used Yukari's [Boundary Manipulation] to manipulate the boundary of Eirin and Yukari's Memory and Forgetfulness to seal away their memories of him and this situation. He then opened a third gate under his feet and he dropped through, landing on the other side in a forest clearing.

"Let's get to work," Axl stated determinedly, rolling up his sleeves

Aaand, the chapter ends there, It's supposed to be kind of a cliffhanger, though for some reason Wattpad uploaded an incomplete version and I have no idea why. The only reason I noticed was because I went back to re-read this and make sure I was satisfied with my writing throughout the existing chapters, so I apologize for the chapter not being complete till now. Thank you for putting up with my stupid (And very cringe) fanfiction. Till next time though Wattpad, I'm out, PEACE!

Post-Rewrite Update: I had to Re-work a lot of this chapter as my Beta Reader, Midnight, suggested that I rewrite this chapter to have better pacing. At the time of this post I have yet to submit this chapter to him for review, but until I hear back, I'll return to working on my next chapter.

976 words (Post Rewrite: 1187 words)

Isekai Gensou Villain (1st Chapter Re-Write Complete) {ON HIATUS!}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon