Chapter XI: Touhou 19.8- Absolute Parallel Existence (Prologue Pt. 1)

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The Morning at Hakurei shrine was beginning nicely. Reimu had slowly awoken in her Futon as the morning sun had started filtering through the Shoji doors. She sat up groggily, rubbing an eye with one balled fist and stretching with her other arm while yawning. As both arms fell back to her lap, the thin, ill-fitting shoulder straps of her sleeveless pajama top slid down to her upper shoulders, and she arched her back and stretched, before standing up. She then started folding her Futon before putting it away and walking to the door outside. Upon reaching the door, Reimu slid it open and stepped out onto the porch-like hallway of her small shrine home. It was a beautiful day outside, morning sun was shining, the light filtering through the last vestiges of dew in the grass off the side of her home, causing the grass to appear as though littered with small diamonds. If only this dew were diamonds, I'd be able to live a lot more comfortably, Reimu thought blasèly before turning toward the door to her kitchen, intending to head inside and have a quiet breakfast.

"Oii~! Reimuu! Are you up yet?" Reimu heard Marisa's voice call from near the front of the shrine.
"Well... There goes my 'quiet' breakfast," Reimu muttered to herself before shouting, "Be right there, gotta' get dressed," back in Marisa's direction, and she heard Marisa reply to head to the kitchen once she was done before heading back to her room to get dressed for the day.

Reimu walked into her small kitchen to the smell of waffles, "You must've either spiked those with some mushrooms you found in the forest, or you want something from me. You never make breakfast when you come by this early," Reimu grumbled as she looked over Marisa's shoulder at the waffle iron, eyeing it suspiciously before leaving and sitting dogeza at the dining room tea table.
"Oi! Whaddaya mean? I can't cook breakfast for a friend while giving her some info on current events?" Marisa retorted mock-offendedly, continuing, "And before ya' ask, I did get permission from Kourin when I was borrowing this waffle iron, ze. He's the one to have told me what I'm here to tell you."

Reimu perked up, "Rinnosuke has something important enough that he thinks I should know? This must be important."

"I dunno Reimu," said Marisa flatly, loading up two plates heaped with waffles, before turning and continuing, "This just feels like an unlucky set of coincidences, but I guess you'll hafta' be the judge of that since you'll be the one to decide if you're investigating, and that's why Kourin let me borrow this waffle iron." Marisa brought over the two plates of waffles, with a pair of forks and a serving pitcher of honey, and sat across the table from Reimu.

"So what're these 'Unlucky Coincidences' you were saying Rinnosuke mentioned," Reimu asked through her first couple of bites of waffle.

"According to Kourin, Lotsa stuff has been going missing from various places recently. He says he heard from Keine that portions of crops and other goods have gone missing from the village storerooms. Eirin has stated that there are Inventory discrepancies for Eientei's Clinic. Also, Nitori says that a buncha mechanical parts have gone missing from the kappa workshops. And last but not least, a metric butt-tonne of materials has vanished from Mine and Alice's ingredient and material storages."

"If it weren't for the fact that you were robbed too, I'd have wondered if it were you," Reimu stated pensively, "and the amounts implied don't make me think that this was Nazrin, going on one of her collection sprees without paying or asking for anything."

"That's exactly what Kourin said before suggesting I come to you, ze," Marisa stated, "I kinda feel like we weren't paying enough attention to our stores of extra stuff, but Kourin seems to think this could be something more."

"Well, He's right, Marisa. While it could be nothing, it could also be something important. Remember the time we met Suika? None of us knew we were having the same feast once every few days because she skewed our perceptions of time and messed with our memories."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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