Chapter VIII: Studying Sakuya

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After discussing the details of his favor with Sakuya, Axl managed to barely convince her to agree. Now all he had to do is wait for Sakuya to deep clean the whole SDM, and make sure that the others had enough food for the week. Additionally, Flandre had insisted on staying at Axl's home for the week, so Axl had to hide her wings with a glamour so that Sakuya could focus. After Sakuya finished her cleaning, she, Axl, and Flandre headed to Axl's home. As the trio walked through the gates of Axl's yard, Axl shut the parasol he was holding to keep the sunlight off of Flandre, and turned on his heel to face the two ladies, the shut parasol jutting up slightly as he somewhat mimicked a certain literature club president's signature pose. "So," he said sweetly, "I'm sure you're curious on how we are going to achieve the research goals I've outlined," Axl's voice was dripping with honey, as he turned to face the fourth wall, "especially you, as you weren't around when I discussed terms with Sakuya."

"You're right, Onii-chan," said Flandre. Turns out Axl was looking at Flandre who was standing right behind where the fourth wall was located.
"Well, my sweet little pile of angel down, Starting at midnight tonight, I'm going to seal all of Sakuya's memories for a week, giving her Amnesia, she will remember her name, her 'age', any of the skills that she's trained in, and any 'common knowledge'. However, she won't have any memories before tomorrow morning for the next week. We are going to tell her that we found her beaten and battered out in front of my home, and that we picked her up and healed her. Throughout this, we are going to act as though we are meeting her for the first time, and when she doesn't remember who we are we will offer to let her stay with us, providing her food, room and board, and in exchange she will act as a temporary maid. She will be told that you are my little sister, and you will not mention Remilia or the Scarlet Devil Mansion or it's residents in general. Also, while in this state of self induced Amnesia, she will be influenced by a planted subconscious suggestion to show me the same devotion she shows Remilia, this way I can study her behavior."

"You better behave yourself this week. Just because I'll be an Amnesiac for this, doesn't mean I won't remember this week afterwards," reminded Sakuya, apparently still not entirely convinced of Axl's trustworthiness. "Aww. Sweet Sakuya-san is worried that the scawee magic man is gonna get more teasing fuel after poking around in your head," Axl teased, patting the silver haired maid on her head. "Don't worry I won't get access to your memories, and my house is surprisingly normal on the inside. Well other than that it's a non-euclidean masterpiece of a pocket dimension that has a layout I have full control over. Buuut... That doesn't really matter right now, my house's layout is pretty consistent, I only change the layout when I don't wanna show off my house, or when I'm being invaded." None of which will happen as I don't foresee having any visitors, expected or unexpected. Speaking of..."
Axl waved a hand and the sky flashed dark for a moment, "There, I've moved the entire island and made it invisible."
Flandre's ruby colored eyes glittered in amazement, "Wow! You're so powerful, Onii-chan!"

"And you're so adorable, I might just go into hyperglycemic shock just from spending this next week with you and Sakuya," Axl replied, smiling and patting the blond vampire's head through her mob cap. After a moment Axl stopped and stiffened, before removing his hand from Flandre's head, turning around, and calling out, "Rumia! Get your Darkness-loving tookus out here right now! I know you're hiding here, and you're not gonna have a chance to eat me, so you might as well just stop hiding and talk to me!"
As he finished, a girl with close cropped blond hair, and a hairband with a ribbon on it floated out of the shadows. "Wow mister, you're good. For a human." Axl took one look at Rumia and sighed, "Still obsessed with the damn T-Pose, I see." Rumia, baffled, proceeded to put her hands down, and her child-like hands landed on her hips, "Excuse me?!" She retorted, "T-Pose?! I'll have you know that specific pose-"
"Is religiously significant?" Axl finished, cutting Rumia off, raising an eyebrow, "I'm well aware that you believe that pose is supposed to communicate 'The saint was crucified', however, you are missing not one, but two key parts that differentiate your T-Pose from the image of Christ on a crucifix: One, your arms are straight out, whereas Christ's are angled up slightly, and Two, your right foot is not placed over your left. If you were to fix these things you'd look more like the pose you're attempting to imitate, but as it stands now you're just doing the T-Pose." Rumia's aggravated expression returned to a baffled one. "Anyways, I'm sure you're here because of the lack of true sunlight, but I'm gonna need you to leave. I'm in the middle of important other things." Rumia shook her head and leapt at Axl, but before she could attack him, his hand whipped out and bopped Rumia on the head, knocking her back. She skidded to a halt and looked at Axl, her eyes quickly refocusing on the snowy haired young man, growling. Suddenly, he disappeared and reappeared behind Rumia, and he whispered in her ear, "Sorry, but you need to leave my home, see you in a week." He flicked the back of Rumia's head and she flew forward into a void. "That should take care of that," Axl said, standing up and dusting his hands off, before suddenly whirling around, smiling mock-sweetly and calling out in a singsong voice, "Ohhh Sweet Sakuya-sannn! It's time to tamper with your memories!"

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