Chapter V: Vampires, Witches, and Maids?! It's not even Halloween yet!!

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Hello friends and readers, and welcome to another wonderful chapter. This time I've decided to start the chapter by a similar means to the ending of the previous chapter, and let you see the beginning of the day from the perspective of a certain silver haired head maid. This will take place the morning following the previous chapter, so the perspective will be shifted back to Axl when the Scarlet Devil Mansion Crew leave to visit him.

Sakuya woke up at dawn, refreshed as usual, and was ready for another day of serving her beloved mistress, she made her mistress some Tomato soup for breakfast, for it was the only thing besides blood and tea the vampire could stomach, and went to rouse her mistress. "Ojou-sama, breakfast is ready, would you like to eat in bed," Sakuya asked, "or would you like for me to set the table?" Remilia grumbled as she rolled out of her fluffy four poster, "Set the table, Sakuya, and make an extra place for Flan. I want to bring her with us to see how she reacts to our new friend," Remilia called to her servant.

"As you wish, Ojou-sama," came the reply from the other side of the door. Back with Sakuya, the head maid was deep in thought as she finished setting up a Third place setting for Flandre, and going to rouse her younger mistress, 'I should probably dress for formality since Ojou-sama apparently doesn't want to fight,' she thought, sighing inwardly. Once the younger Scarlet sister was awake, and Sakuya had made some buttered toast and Chamomile tea for Patchouli, she went ahead to go take her shower. After stepping out, Sakuya put on her underwear, and made herself decent with one of her higher quality maid outfits. She returned to the dining room just as Remilia, Patchouli, and Flandre were finishing their breakfast. Remilia took a sidelong glance at Sakuya, who had returned to her post, a little behind and to the right of her mistress, before giggling and saying, "My, my, Sakuya, you can't be that starved for a male companion, could you?" Sakuya immediately flushed bright red, and steam seemed to be rising from her head, as she collected herself enough to barely stutter, "O-o-of course not, Ojou-sama, especially company from that boy. I've just dressed my absolute best, so that you may display your power through your wealth, and your kindness."

"Mmm-hmm. I'm sure that's the case, Sakuya-chan," said Meiling, who had just walked in. Sakuya shot a furtive glare at Meiling, before returning to ready, bowing her head with her eyes closed, hands clasped in front of herself. "Shouldn't you be guarding the front gate," asked Sakuya, doing her best to put on the emotionless voice of an elegant and refined maid.

"Nah. Koakuma offered to watch the gate for a bit so I could eat. I assume she's not assisting Patchouli-sama because she's joining Remilia-sama on her journey today?"

"That I am, I'm feeling surprisingly good today," Patchouli replied to Meiling, finishing her toast and taking a last sip of her tea, "Tasty as always Sakuya, thank you." Sakuya just bowed in response, then turned to Meiling, "There's more toast for you and Koakuma in the kitchen. There's also butter, fresh jam, and orange juice." With that, Remilia, Flandre and Patchouli stood up, Sakuya grabbed a large, dark colored parasol, opening it up so that when they left the house the vampire sisters wouldn't immediately incinerate in the sunlight outside. Patchouli started hovering and they made their way to the front door, and started on their way to the "Obvious" home of their new neighbor.

-Scene Break: a chibi Patchouli hissing as she steps out of the front door to the SDM-

Axl wanted to have fun, so he cast a spell that created a dome over his little sky island that filtered UV light beneath it without dimming the yard too much, he had been standing in the front courtyard, waiting for his guests. After what had only been minutes, four forms flew through the gate and landed 10 feet away from Axl. Remilia and her entourage of Patchouli, Sakuya, and Flandre had arrived. Flandre looked around and saw Axl, "Onii-chan," Flan yelled happily, starting to run towards Axl.
"Flan, wait-," cried Remilia, fearing her sister would be hurt by the sunlight, but she was already out from under the parasol.

"Hi, Flan-chan," Axl exclaimed, hugging the smol vampire girl, and swinging her around in a circle as he held her in his arms by holding the crux of her knees to his chest as she carefully held on to his neck, "as you can see, Ms. Remilia, I've made it safe at my home for all sunlight fearing youkai, while on my little island in the sky you can experience the beauty of the day without the danger of being hurt by sunlight." He set Flandre down and patted her head, "Why don't you go inside Flan-chan? I managed to make you some tiny plushie dolls for you to play with. I'll just talk a little bit with your Onee-chan, and we'll join you inside, ok?" Flandre nodded happily and ran inside, eager to play with the toys Axl had for her. "Now that the adorable little sugar-angel is off playing happily, I should explain myself, yes," Axl said, getting to his feet and turning to face the three more mature ladies, "I assume you each have different questions for me, and in order to do the best I can to get through everything in a timely manner, I will allow one question each, before we move inside where Flan-chan will be able to overhear. How about we start with your question, Patchouli?"

The lilac colored sorceress thought for a moment, before asking, "How did you get Flandre to open up to you so quickly?"

"That's easy, I played danmaku with her, and I didn't show fear or contempt for her, even reflexively. Actually, she also has low self-esteem and likely depression too, so I guess it could be that I also comforted her. Anyway, all that matters is that she was starving for positive attention, and I gave it to her. So, what is your question Remilia?"

The elder vampire sister responded with, "Why are you here in Gensoukyou, what are your intentions?"

"Well, that's a good question, as expected of Remilia Scarlet," replied Axl, before his expression changed to one of mild embarrassment, and he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, "I am here because I was 'Reincarnated' after I tripped and fell to my death in an alternate version of the outside world. The answer to the other part is that I don't intend to cause any serious damage to Gensoukyou, however, I was asked to cause a bit of mischief, and I agreed to that as long as I was allowed to live out the rest of my days here in Gensoukyou."

"I guess it's my turn then," said Sakuya, her face flushing as she continued, "Why must you insist on embarrassing me at every turn since I first saw you yesterday?"

"Simple," Axl replied, "You're adorable when you're flustered but I've only embarrassed you once with the note, so how have I embarrassed you at every turn?"

"I think I know the answer to your question," Remilia interjected, "I teased her for wearing one of her nicer outfits and her pa-." Remilia was cut off as Sakuya clamped her hand over her mistress's mouth, "I think a little bit of UV light is leaking through your shield, would you mind letting us inside now." Axl nodded and stepped aside, as Sakuya walked past Axl whispered in her ear,"I believe you, If I were you I'd wear sports bras on days I was expecting combat, too." Sakuya flushed even redder, and vanished with Remilia as she used her time manipulation powers to teleport into the building. "Shall we join them," Axl asked Patchouli. Patchouli nodded and they followed inside.

That'll be it for this chapter, I wanted to make this chapter longer, but I need to get used to typing chapters that are significantly longer than 1k words. Good news though readers, I know what I'm gonna do next chapter, so it should come out between a week to three weeks from now. So until then, readers. I'll catch you on the flip side of Wattpad. ParaCiph out, Deuces!

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