Chapter II: Beginning my new life, I guess

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"Time to get to work then," Axl said, waving his hand. As his hand swept across the landscape in front of himself, a traditional japanese style mansion assembled itself in front of him, complete with a walled garden surrounding it, but something was missing. "Ah! When in Rome, do as the Romans do" Axl thought for a moment, then smiled, realizing what he should do, and the ground beneath him rumbled as the entire mansion rose into the air, creating an island floating in the sky. Axl stood at the front gates, admiring his work. That should get everyone's attention, he thought, but just in case, let's stir the pot a little bit. Axl floated up and flew down towards the ground, looking for anyone to "play" with, and just as he touched down he heard a voice, "Hey, mister, I challenge you to a spellcard battle, 'cause I'm da' strongest." The voice belonged to a little girl wearing a blue dress with blue hair and Icicle wings. "Cirno-chan? Not now please," Axl replied, "I need someone actually strong, so I'll play with you later."

"But, I am da' strongest, you won't find anyone stronger than me," Cirno replied insistently.

Axl sighed, "Your reputation as the great 9, lord of all idiots, precedes you, Cirno-chan. Guess we're doing this then. Hit me with your best shot." Cirno cheered and created several crystals of Ice which each started spewing swathes of Icy projectiles at Axl, the only problem was that due to a lack of aim, none of the projectiles got anywhere near him. Once again, Axl sighed, "See this is your problem sweet, sweet innocent Cirno-chan... YOU DON'T AIM." Axl then suddenly vanished and reappeared right in front of the small Ice Fairy. "Take this lesson to heart Cirno-chan," Axl said, with a sympathetic smile to the dumb little ice fairy. Then, looking around he called out, "Daiyousei-Chan, I know you're nearby, find Cirno when she reappears, she's gonna need a friend to comfort her after this," he looked back to Cirno and placed a hand on her head, "Mimic Sign: Cryogenic Infinity." Cirno was suddenly encased in a large piece of ice, "King's Vestige: Crushing Aura." The piece of ice, and Cirno inside of it shattered into a multitude of Icy fragments. Turning around he flew off in the direction of misty lake, realizing exactly what kind of show he wanted to put on.

-Time skip brought to you by not writing an entire chapter about walking. Suck it, Fellowship of the Ring-

As soon as the gates were in view Axl touched down and continued on foot. Upon him getting close to the gate, someone stepped out in front of it, yawning. "State your name and purpose," The red haired girl said.

"Hello, Hong Meiling, my name is Yurad, Yurad Umbitch, I am a Klepto trapper, so if you'll excuse me, I must go before your Klepto shows up again," Axl lied, chuckling inwardly of the irony of the psyudeonym.

"Well, Mr.Umbitch, I was not informed of your appointment today, so I'll have to ask you to either leave or provide me with details of your appointment," replied Meiling.

Axl opened his mouth to retort, but was struck by an idea, "Hey Meiling, would you like to make a bet? We spar and I get to pass if I win, but I have to leave if you defeat me, as well as whoever loses has to any 3 things the winner asks." Meiling's eyes lit up and she looked as though she could barely resist the urge to accept the bet. "I'll even go a little easy so you have a higher chance of winning," Axl said casually, as if to goad her into thinking that he was an arrogant prick, and it seemed to work. Her almost drunken, greedy smile changed to a scowl and her gaze became one of contempt, "We'll see about that," Meiling growled, grabbing Axl's outstretched hand, "Alright, no takesie backsies then, if you win I have to leave and I have to do any three things you command, but if I win you gotta let me pass, and you have to do any three things I ask. Shall we begin?"


This is the end of the chapter...

Yes, I know, Y'all probably sayin'
"Really Dude? Cliffhanger?" But I've been working on this chapter for a while, and between working, Wattpad being a crap platform when you aren't using internet, and my own writing inadequacies, it's honestly best to end it here. But in good news I am immediately starting on the next chapter as soon as this one goes live. So without further Ado, I'll catch y'all on the flip side of Wattpad, ParaCiph out, peace!

777 words

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