Chapter IX: The Calm That Preceeds The Storm

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The weeks following Axl's Experiment were surprisingly calm, considering all of the hustle and bustle going on in Tenmonsorashiro and the Scarlet Devil Mansion. With Patchouli's Help, Axl managed to get a couple of gateways between various important locations established. The first of these gates was a mirror in the atrium of the SDM that when infused with mana or spiritual energy would change from displaying your reflection to a swirling vortex of what appeared to be sparkling multicoloured lights and shards of prismatically shining glass. The second was a standard-looking Japanese sliding shoji screen door whose destination randomly teleported to various areas around the inside of the most prominent human village in Gensoukyou. The third and final one was a freestanding stone archway filled by a veil of energy resembling endlessly fluttering drapes made of pure, softly shining light; the identical destination portal of which was hidden under a grassy hillock nearby Cirno and Rumia's residences in the Forest of Magic. Speaking of Cirno and Rumia, the two members of Team 9 had demanded that Axl teach them how to be better at Danmaku, to which Axl had reluctantly agreed as long as the Self-Proclaimed 'Strongest' Ice Fairy and the Voracious Youkai of Darkness agreed to no longer cause problems for the average traveler through the Forest of Magic. In addition, Axl managed to gather proper supplies from various locations across Gensoukyou. From magical supplies nicked from Marisa and Alice, to Food Rations bought via 'five finger discount' from the Human Village's market, to medical and mechanical supplies spirited away from Eientei and Nitori's workshop, respectively. Of course though, Axl had to disguise himself when he left home because; if the emergence of Tenmonsorashiro from the ground to the sky hadn't attracted the attention of one Aya Syameimaru, Editor of the Bunbunmaru newspaper, then the newly established domain's sole inhabitant running around, stockpiling supplies surely would. Not to mention, despite wiping and sealing Eirin's memories of him, he didn't want to risk her remembering who he was if she caught him swiping medical supplies from her. Axl had also managed to build an army and a half of Meid-chou units, as well as designing personality seeds resembling Patchouli (called Lavender Nightgown), Remilia (called Young Mistress of Fate), Flandre (called Heart Attack Sugar Angel), and Meiling (called Sleeping Dragon Guard), as well as a default "random personality generation" seed. All in all, Axl had been busy, and things were quiet, maybe even too quiet. After all, why wouldn't a Isle of land rising into the sky cause intrigue? The answer, of course being that Gensoukyou is too used to strange, yet benign things happening. Axl decided that since he was ready for the incident resolution team to come, and that Aya would take an interest in him eventually, he would use her penchant for the hyperbolic to his advantage. So he decided to invite Aya over for a 'little chat'. The tengu woman was all too happy to oblige, and she said she would be over at her earliest convenience, which was about an hour or two. During this time, Axl prepared to welcome the fastest being in Gensoukyou into his home. Upon the crow youkai's arrival, Axl stood, in a disguised form in front of his home, and he opened a hole in the shade barrier for Aya to land thru. The black-haired, Black-winged reporter flew through the Torii gate at the entrance to the grounds and landed with a flourish. "Hello, Aya-san," Axl called in her direction.
Aya turned to face him, "Hello, you're the mysterious Master, yes?"
"That would be me, yes," Axl Replied, "Though you will have to forgive me for not providing you with my name or my true appearance, as I am trying to allow my true self the luxury of ambiguity. Only a select few will be allowed to know the true me for the moment. However, I am still willing to provide what little entertaining trivia I can provide without sacrificing my anonymity."

"Great," Aya exclaimed, "Let's get down to business then..."

Imma just end this chapter here... Next chapter will be Aya's Interview of Axl. I apologize once again for massive intervals between updates, bit sadly, I've been very, very busy. Anyways, I'll catch y'all on the flipside of wattpad, Deuces!

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