Filler I: An Interview with the Cast

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Hello, Hello Everyone! This is gonna be a Q&A interview with the cast of the previous chapter. Just in case you didn't read the last chapter(Which I highly recommend, there'll be some questions regarding events in the last chapter here.) the people I'll be Interviewing today are my OC Axl Alexi, Flandre & Remilia Scarlet, Patchouli Knowledge, and Sakuya Izayoi. Finally, before we proceed to the interview, I'd like to mention a few things: First, in these interviews, I will be referring to myself as 'B', secondly, I would like to acknowledge and remind you that this is my personal headcanon regarding the preferences and personalities of the Touhou characters that appear in this fanfiction as a whole, I'll try to remain as OOC as possible but things may deviate in some places. Now without further Ado: the interview.

B: Hello.

Flandre: Wait, Wha-?! Where are we?!

Sakuya: Oh now what?

Patchouli: -_-'

Remilia: *sigh* I really wanted to finish at least one cup of tea today.

Axl: Oh hey B, how's writing my story goin'?

B: Good. But I'm running a bit behind on ideas for what to do in a new chapter so I thought I'd plop in an Interview with y'all right here.

Axl: Sooo... In other words, you're too lazy to write an actual chapter here and you just decided to pull us out of the timeline.

B: T^T Well, when you put it like that...

Remilia: Would someone please tell us what the hell is going on here.

Axl: Don't worry about it, and roll with it, it won't hurt, and it's not like any of us will remember this when we're sent back.

B: Alright, we're on a time crunch, so let's go ahead with the first questions... Axl, What is the new ability you used, 'Kusanagi'?

Axl: The Kusanagi is a blade of energy, with it active I can cut through pretty much anything I slice with it, It's named for one of the three holy Regalia of Japan, the 'Kusanagi no Tsurugi' or the 'Kusanagi Sword', and before the question is asked, Yes, both me and B are aware that the legendary sword that can supposedly cut anything is the 'Muramasa' or the 'Masamune', however, we both agree that to keep in the 'Holy Regalia of Japan' theme we were just gonna hand wave and call it Kusanagi.

B: All right. This next pair of questions comes from Wattpad User AxelAxisAccel: How does it feel to know that you're not the only one named Axl, and if you decide to end all of Gensoukyou, are you going to give the cast a slow and agonizing death, or a boring swift death?

Patchouli, Flandre, Remilia, and Sakuya: (doubletake) WHAT?!

Axl (Calmly): I am aware that I'm not the only person named Axl, in fact, one of B's favorite artists from one of his many enjoyed genre's has his name spelled the same as mine, and that's Guns 'n Roses main vocalist, lyricist, and only constant member since 1985, Axl Rose. Secondly, I do not intend to end Gensoukyou in any capacity, as stated previously, I'm only causing trouble for the enjoyment of the one who summoned me, not to mention I'm sweet on several girls who live in Gensoukyou, several of which are sitting in this room right now.

B: Last question for you Axl: Would you briefly explain your mimicry ability?

Axl: Of course. The way my mimicry ability works is that I can absorb the signature magic abilities and magic attacks from anyone by consuming a sample of their DNA, or in the case of attacks like the Master Spark series of attacks, the vessel which the attack is created from. That said I cannot do things such as obtain immortality by consuming the DNA of someone who has consumed the hourai elixir, or the physical skills needed to make use of Eirin's absolutely MASSIVE mental pharmaceutical library.

B: This is a question for Remilia: According to hardcore Touhou fans, you've previously stated that vampires just get sunburned easier than others, if that's true why did you freak out when Flandre ran out from beneath the parasol?

Remilia: *sigh* Yes, it's true that we are vampires get sunburned easier. However, I purposely neglected to mention that depending on certain factors, those sunburns can become third-degree 'sun' burns. So the reason I was worried about Flan leaving the shade is because I was worried that she would get those worse sunburns due to the fact that she doesn't go outside much. In addition, prolonged exposure to sunlight can eventually burn us to death, so I'd rather be safe than sorry.

B: Ok, Makes sense. Next question: Patchouli, What was your contribution to the team attack that Axl had to use Kusanagi against?

Patchouli: I supplied Remilia with a little extra magic power so that she could summon a few extra Gungnir.

B: Alright. Makes sense. Now: Flandre, how do you see your relationship with Axl?

Flandre: He's my Onii-chan!! ^v^

B: (visible confusion) ??? I'm sorry, what now? Would you clarify, please Flan-chan?

Flandre: Ok! (Points to Remilia) She's my Onee-sama, and he's (Points to Axl) my Onii-chan! ^v^

B: So, you're not just calling him Onii-chan as a title for the purposes of being an adorable little marshmallow?

Flandre: (Shakes Head) If it was just a title, I would've said 'Onii-chan's my best friend'

B: Gotcha'. Now, unfortunately I didn't receive very many questions this time around, so this'll be the last question here, and it's for Sakuya: Answer us truthfully, do you commonly wear reductive bras, or do you pad your bust? (Dodges Knife)

Remilia (frustrated): Sakuya, Just answer the damnmed question so we can get out of here.

Sakuya (quietly): reductive bras...

B: I'm sorry?


B: I'm sorry about that, Sakuya. I truly am, and I hope this interview at least offers some food for thought to the fandom, but unfortunately, I'm out of questions, so I'm going to send you back once Remilia finishes her tea.

Axl: B, no one's going to remember any of this right?

B: Yep. This area is outside the canon timeline of this story, so while you guys act the same here as you would in the timeline, none of what happens here is canon, so none of you will ever be able to remember this interview.

Remilia: I've finished my tea.

Axl: before you send us back B, May I do something real quick?

B: -_- shoot.

Axl: (Kisses Remilia & Flandre on the cheek), (Kisses Patchouli and Sakuya on the lips)

RFPS (All Flustered): Wha-?!

Axl (Interrupting): 'Kay thanks, send us back now, please.

B: K, byeee!

Aaaaaaand, CUT! There's the interview, it's not canonically part of this story, however, the responses to questions and the actions of the characters should be treated as true as if this interview were canon. If you enjoyed this chapter leave me a comment saying so and I'll gladly see if I can't fit another one of these filler chapter's in somewhere down the line. But on that note, that's all I got for you today, readers, so I'll catch y'all on the flipside of Wattpad, ParaCiph out! DEUCES!!

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