OC Bio: Axl

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I will add updates to the Abilities inside of Skill eater and the Spell Deck as they are revealed, so check back if you want a reminder on what any abilities do

-General Description-
Name: Axl Alexi
Age: 18
Height: 6'4"
Skin Tone: Darker Athletic Tan/Olive
Build: Thin, but still muscular (Think a Gymnast)
Hair Color/Style: After coming to Gensoukyou, he used his unique skill True Polymorph To change his Hair's color and length it is now a light blue so light it almost appears white, and it is so long that even when he pulls his hair into it's typical topknot, the hair cascading down his back is long enough to reach his butt.
Eye Color: A shimmering, almost luminous, cobalt blue

-Stats & Abilities-
Strength: 100/100
Agility/Speed: 100/100
Dexterity: 100/100
Intelligence: 100/100
Wisdom: 100/100
Mysticism(Magic): 100/100
Charisma: 100/100
Toughness(Defense): 100/100
Stat Totals: 800/800

--Unique Abilities (Given by the words of the world in chapter 1)--


[Omnitalented, Sub Skill: Skill Eater]: With this ability Axl is able to break down and assimilate the abilites and attacks of others by consuming the attacks or genetic material of others.

[Omnitalented, Sub Skill: Skill Weaver]: Allows Axl to creatively use skills in combination with one another or use skills in creative ways to achieve desired results.

[Omnitalented, Sub Skill: King-of-all trades]: Allows Axl to learn practical skills faster than even the most prodigious students.

Loki, Silver-tongued Trickster

[Loki, Silver-tongued Trickster, Sub Skill: Apex Being]: This skill makes him truly a force to be reckoned with, as it makes his body peak human levels in all areas, gives him genius level intellect, and the charisma to smooth over any problem with just a smile.

[Loki, Silver-tongued Trickster, Sub Skill: True Polymorph]: This ability let's Axl freely change his own body at will, allowing him to mimic the appearance of other people, shapeshift into animals, freely modify his physique and appearance, and modify the specific shapes and materials of his body, giving himself an inspector-gadget-meets-swiss army-knife-like utility. This ability also comes with Polyglottism.

+Abilities known to be inherited via Skill Eater+

Illusions (Unknown Source): He can create visual illusions that change the appearance of things.
Memory Manipulation (Yukari's Boundary Manipulation): Through precise manipulation of the boundary of Forgetfulness and Remembrance, Axl can manipulate the memories of nearly anyone, should he so please.
Boundary Manipulation (Yukari Yakumo): anything Yukari can do, he can do too
Portal Creation (Yukari's Boundary manipulation): A mimic of one facet of Yukari's abilities, this ability allows Axl to create tears in space-time that function as wormholes.
Time Manipulation(Sakuya Izayoi): Makes Axl immune to all time magic based effects, as well as granting the ability to stop time, slow time, reverse time, etc.
Ice Magic(Unknown source): It's Friggin' Ice magic, he can create and control ice for attack, defense, and utility.

=Spell Deck=

Mimic Sign: Cryogenic Infinity- Freezes any enemy solid in a block of ice. Direct parody of Cirno's "Perfect Freeze"
King's Vestige: Crushing Aura- creates an aura of strength and intimidation so strong, it manifests as an immense weight or pressure on weaker foes. Created based on aspects of Conquerors Haki from One Piece and Reiatsu from Bleach
Mimic Sign: Ocean of Sand- A pastiche of the Bleach character Ganju Shiba's ability "Seppa", it turns a small section of any earthen surface into a quicksand like substance, potentially trapping foes as far up as their necks before re-solidifying.
Mimic Sign: Endless Reflection- A pastiche of the "Mirror Dimension" from the MCU film Doctor Strange, it creates a pocket dimension that is a replica of the area that it was created in, and the user can freely alter the shape and scale of the pocket dimension at will. Additionally, any destruction caused by battles in this pocket dimension are not reflected in the real version of the area.
Mimic Sign: Tortured Time Loop- A Pastiche of the "SAVE" and "LOAD" abilities used by the character Frisk in the game Undertale, this spell card places a marker on a specific point at a specific place in time that is returned to automatically if the user dies.
King's Vestige: Red Thread of Fate- Inspired by the Pokemon move "Destiny Bond" This copies all lasting effects between the user and the target, as well as linking their lives.

Regalia: Kusanagi no Tsurugi: Also referred to as 'Kusanagi' or 'The Kusanagi Blade' This attack manifests a blade of Axl's magic and aura on his hand. This weapon is similar in appearance to the Azure Dragon Blade from Dragonball Super and the chakra scalpels from Naruto, and this blade of energy is said to be able to cut anything. Note: despite sharing the property of 'can cut anything' with the famous Juuchi Yosamu(Also known as the Muramasa in pop-culture, named for the man who smithed it), this sword is named after the Kusanagi no Tsurugi(Grass-Cutting Sword) in order to keep with the theme of 'Japan's Three Holy Regalia'.

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