Chapter VII: How are these Numbers Fair?!

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Axl stood facing Sakuya, Patchouli, and Remilia. "You ladies ready," he asked.

"Yep," Remilia responded.

"Ready," Patchouli added.

Sakuya just glared at Axl, "Hmph," she huffed, nodding once, turning her head away.

"Good! Now, Flan I need you to leave my side and sit on the sidelines."

"What?!" Flandre exclaimed, "There's three of them! How are these numbers fair? They'll kill you!" She looked like she was about to cry, "I don't want to lose you, Onii-chan," she half-sobbed.

Axl turned and knelt, giving her a cocky smirk, putting his hand on her shoulder, "I already told myself that I was only going to die from having to live with how utterly adorable you are for half a century or more. I promise you, I will not die here." He stood up and patted her head as she ran to a bench and plopped down on it, looking worriedly at Axl, hugging the stuffing out of a Teddy Bear that Axl had put in the toys for Flandre.

"You heard the walking moebetes, no lethal force. Now, let's get this party started!" Sakuya suddenly waved her arm, A wall of danmaku knives appearing and flying towards Axl. Said man, however, vanished and reappeared in front of Sakuya, softly touched his index finger to the tip of her nose, and said,"Boop," before reappearing in the spot he was standing in before Sakuya's attack. The three girls spread out around him, and started firing swathes of their standard Danmaku, he just stood there, unphased, before forcing a yawn. Seeing her chance, Patchouli fired a couple of her Spell Cards at Axl, who promptly vanished, reappeared behind her, and lightly brushed his fingertips up her spine, making her shiver from the chills, and she started to turn, but before she could move he had returned to his previous position, grinning roguishly, "What?" he quipped, "You thought I was just gonna stand there and take it?" He vanished and all three girls jumped inwards so that they were back-to-back. Axl reappeared in front of Sakuya, his hands behind his back, "Well then m'dears, you're sorely mistaken," he chuckled as he vanished again, being replaced by dozens of speed phantasms. "C'mon I can't have stumped you with just going fast enough to have multiple afterimages," his voice echoed around the courtyard. After Images! That's it! Sakuya thought. She turned her head slightly to her left, towards Remilia, "Mistress, you should use Gungnir, It'll target the real one." An image of Axl appeared in front of Sakuya and tapped his temple, "Smart Girl." A knife flew through his head, and another one stopped and mock poutily said, "Hey! That would've hurt if that were the real me." Suddenly, the speed phantasms vanished as there was one Axl standing there with a spear of red energy piercing his chest. He fell over, and burst into a puff of smoke as Axl walked in front of the trio from out of nowhere, clapping slowly, "You girls are extremely clever and work great together, I've made the right choice." The three ladies glared at him, readying another team attack. "Woah dears," Axl said, raising his hands in a clear sign of defenselessness, "Parley?" The three girls put away their weapons, and moved closer. "My suggestion is that you three decide what your strongest team attack is, and if I'm still standing after you use it, all three of you still owe me two favors each, on the other hand, if I fall to your combined attack, or am otherwise defeated as a result of this final blow, I'll owe all three of you three favors each. Also, you'll each get to ask me three additional questions each, and I will forgive the three favors Meiling owes me. Sound good?"

Remilia, wary of this mockery she didn't feel was combat, and suspecting they'd lose either way, sighed and replied, "That works for me."

"I don't see a problem," Patchouli said.

"If my mistress has agreed," Sakuya struggled with the next few words, "I graciously accept."

"Good, then just stay here and plan what combo you're going to use, I'm going to go get into position, and set up countermeasures in case of an *ahem* unforseen fatality." Axl walked across the courtyard, did a chant, and a glow appeared at his feet for a moment, then he returned to where he had been standing before. Things were still and silent for a beat, and then the three Scarlet Devil Mansion residents rose up in the sky side by side, as they began to ready themselves to launch an ultimate combo attack. Axl just stood there, arms out with a huge grin on his face, as if to say 'Gimme all you've got, because I'm having an absolute blast'. The three girls reached the peak height and suddenly an innumerable amount of Remilia's Gungnir appeared, and blasted towards Axl who just closed his eyes, bowed his head, and put one of his hands in front of himself as if praying with one hand. After a beat, his eyes snapped open just as the Gungnir reached him. "Kusanagi," He yelled as the Gungnir seemed to hit him and explode into red smoke on impact. "Onii-chan, NO," Flandre screamed, leaping to her feet, preparing to rush to Axl, but before she could, The smoke covering where he had been standing started to swirl unnaturally as it began to contract, slowly revealing Axl, without a scratch on him.

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