Chapter IV: What? You thought I was gonna perv on her?

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Axl walked through one of his gaps, carrying Flandre sleeping in his arms like a child, he managed to get the covers for her bed down and laid her on her back. He pulled up the covers  and stood up to leave but he caught a glint of silver out of the corner of his eye. Knowing he should make his next move carefully, he turned and saw Sakuya Izayoi, the Head Maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, glaring at him with her beautiful grey blue eyes, holding an ornate silver tray with equally ornate dishes on it. Axl slowly put his hands up and smiled, "I did not perv on her, I DID NOT," he said to the maid, and he started to look past Sakuya as though looking behind her, "Oh, hai Mark!" Sakuya whirled, trying to see if anyone was trying to sneak up behind her, and found no one. So, she spun back, but Axl was already gone. In his place an envelope was fluttering to the floor. She grabbed it aggravatedly and looked at the writing on it. It read, To Remilia Scarlet, Mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Sakuya stood up and left the room, leaving her younger mistress's dinner on her dresser. Heading for the balcony she knew her mistress would want a cup of camomile tea after what was likely to be in this letter, so she stopped by the kitchen and brewed a pot, using her powers of time manipulation to keep it piping hot until her mistress wanted some. She returned to the balcony and announced her presence by saying, "Ojou-sama, I left the young miss' dinner in her room, she was asleep and being tucked in by a mysterious young man who disappeared and left this letter behind." She set the letter on the table and backed up, bowing her head in the perfect example of an elegant maid waiting for further instructions. Remilia picked up the letter and began to read aloud:

Dear Remilia Scarlet,

I am a newcomer to Gensoukyou, and I wish to apologize for troubling the residents of your home, however the one who brought me here wished for me to cause some mischief to relieve some boredom, however I humbly request that you do not try to investigate who brought me here as while I am still following their initial reason for being here, it's out of gratitude for saving me from the fate that awaited me in the outside world. In fact, they don't even remember bringing me here as I removed my summoning from their memories and replaced the event with false ones. Also trying to look into fate regarding me is useless as saving me when I was supposed to die broke Fate's hold on me, so trying to scry my intentions from my future or future interactions with me using your ability is useless, as it will draw a blank. Anyway, if you'd like to talk peacefully go to my new home in Gensoukyou, you'll know it when you see it

The Mysterious Young Man Sakuya found in Flandre's room

(P.S. Meiling is buried in the ground at the front gate, please tell her I'm sorry for goading her into a fight, but she does still owe me 3 favors as per our bet.)

"Who does this boy think he is," Sakuya said indignantly, "Thinking he can request such things from you after sneaking into your home and doing who knows what with your little sister."

"Sakuya, calm yourself," Remilia said, exasperated with her head maid's obvious hatred due to a bad first impression, "Honestly, as long as Flan is okay, I don't care if she met with someone new, she needs some friends and no one comes here just to visit her, I'm more intrigued that he managed to get in here without you noticing." Before Sakuya could respond, Patchouli said, "Remilia, there's more writing on the back." Remilia flipped over the letter and read the back of the note "P.P.S. The reason I was able to sneak in so easily is that Sakuya was Daydreaming about how adorable she thinks you and Flandre are. Also, I can teleport."

Remilia looked up at Sakuya who was staring straight forward, her face as red as a tomato as her biggest secret, her crush on her mistresses, was revealed. Patchouli and Remilia laughed a little and Remilia floated up and patted Sakuya on the head, "I think it's cute that you think of us this way, I don't mind, just don't let it distract you from now on."

"Absolutely, Ojou-sama," Sakuya said, barely keeping how flustered she was out of her voice, "It will be done. The letter mentioned that Meiling was buried at the front gate, I shall go dig her up, so she doesn't suffocate, if she hasn't already." With that, Sakuya vanished as she stopped time to leave. "This young man keeps getting more and more intriguing," Mused Remilia, "What do you think of taking Sakuya and Flandre to go see his home with me tomorrow, Patchy?"

"As long as my asthma allows, I will join you, but feel free to go even If I cannot," Patchouli replied. Yawning, Patchouli stood up, saying that she was tired and wishing Remilia good night, she walked away back towards her library. If I'm going to see that young man tomorrow I should probably get to bed too, Remilia thought, I'll wait for Sakuya to advise her go to bed early, then head off myself.

There we go, Here's another chapter done. To be honest, I never expected any of my stories to get actually read by other users, I just write what I feel, then eventually lose motivation to keep writing, but knowing that I have people who do just read my shitty (and admittedly cringe) self-insert fanfictions is enough to keep me writing this story, so to all of you who have been keeping up with my highly infrequent and irregular updates to this story, I thank you for indulging in my cringy weeb fantasies. On a somewhat related note, in case Wattpad didn't inform you for whatever reason, I've added a bit to the end of Chapter 1 as I didn't notice that I had uploaded it incomplete. Also, I'm going to Make a character bio for the next chapter, and I will upload a Graphic somewhere down the line to accompany it, but for now Wattpad, I'll catch you on the flipside, PEACE!

940 words

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