Chapter X: Aya's Amazing Interview (+A/N at the beginning)

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--A/N Begin--

Hi, ParadoxCipher here, I'm not gonna hold this chapter too long, just here to inform you readers that this chapter is gonna be laid out in the Q&A script format, and that just in case there's more of this style of chapter in the future, if a script style chapter is named with a "Chapter ___: (Subtitle Here)", it is actually supposed to be a part of the story. However, if the chapter follows a naming scheme like "Filler ___: Interview ___" it shouldn't be expected to be canon. Also, after this chapter, I'll be going back and fixing some stuff as pointed out by my editor, Midnight. (Thanks for the help, my dude.) Anyway, Enjoy.

--End of A/N--

(Recording crackles to life)

Aya: So what's this thing?

Axl: It's a recording device. It works a bit like your camera, but for sound.

Aya: Ok, that's cool, very useful.

Axl: Yep, and you can keep it. It'll help you to be a better reporter, as you'll be able to present info from your source's own mouth.

Aya: Thanks. Now shall we begin? What's your name?

Axl: For now, You (and everyone else in gensoukyou for that matter) may call me Loki. Though, I will tell you now that this name is a pseudonym, and that is the best you're going to get out of me.

Aya: OK, I guess I should ask, what are you? A Human? A Youkai? A God?

Axl: *chuckles* A God. Definitely a god...

Aya: Oka-

Axl(Interrupting): That was a joke, I am a human, for now. Unfortunately for those human-supremacists out there, I am well on my way to becoming a sage-tier youkai.

Aya: Oh, wow. Would you care to enlighten us on how you plan to complete that transformation?

Axl: Of course. But I'll need to place a charm that redacts it from the recording and prevents you from sharing it with others. do you still want to hear it?

Aya: Definitely, You've beyond piqued my curiosity.

Axl: OK, the way I plan to become a Sage tier youkai is [[Redacted]] *Static as the redacted bit plays*.

Aya: Ayaya! Is that all? It's not that malicious, destructive, or dangerous of a method. Why do you want to hide it so bad?

Axl: The method could permanently agitate certain groups, and I'd rather have a good relationship with everyone in Gensoukyou in the future. Anyway, what else did you want to ask me?

(Shuffling of papers)

Aya: How about this? What is your unique power? One does not simply become a fighter in Gensoukyou without a unique power.

Axl: I would appreciate it if you didn't go about sharing this, but I guess it's only fair that I don't restrict you on this. I'm kind of a mimic. I can shapeshift, and I've got the ability to mimic any magic attack or unique ability by either consuming the attack or the DNA of someone who has a Unique ability. Though this is limited, for example, if someone had the ability to bring their drawings to life to fight for them, and let's say that with this power, the more coherent the drawing, the more durable and powerful the living drawing is. With the way my power works, if I were to consume a piece of their DNA, I would gain the ability to bring my drawings to life, but I would not inherit their artistic talent.

Aya: So in simpler terms, you can assimilate the powers and techniques of foes you eat a piece of, but not skills and ability. Is that correct?

Axl: Pretty much. Though a strand of hair or a drop of blood is enough to do my thing. I don't need to go so far as to remove a finger or bite a chunk out of anyone, which is good because having to eat hair or blood is disgusting enough. Though I have other ways of consumption besides just Oral Ingestion. It's really kinda weird, actually, and please don't ask for details.

Aya: OK, I won't. Now what next?

(More shuffling of papers.)

Aya: Ah, here we are... Why did you request to have this interview now? You've been Gensoukyou for a few weeks now, and you've not yet made a Ruckus enough to catch my attention in a usual manner.

Axl: Off the record, I just wanted to use your penchant for exaggeration to incite a minor incident, not a world destroying one, just a little civil unrest and lotsa' people wanting to fight me. You see, my patron *static* is bored, and wants me to cause some mischief so that they can be entertained. On the record, however, I just wanna test my strength against Gensoukyou's strongest fighters.

Aya: So you're just using me as an advert for your big danmaku tournament?

Axl: If that's how you see it, I prefer to see it as me giving you free good press. Any way you look at it though, I'm afraid I'm outta time, the author wants to get this chapter out tonight.

Aya: The Aut-

Axl: *Interrupting* You have a good evening miss Syameimaru.

Aya: Wai-!

(Recording cuts off)

Hi y'all, I apologize for the wait on this chapter. And unfortunately there's going to be a little wait on the next chapter as I'm kind of caught up to my initial concept. Now by no means to this mean that I'm going to cancel the story, However, I am going to be putting this story under hiatus status and I'm going to try and put out a first chapter of a new story over the course of the next month or so, and for most of my stories from here on out, it will probably go something like that. I'll get to the ends of my original concepts and then I will move to a different story just long enough to come up with more for each story. Thank you to everyone who's put up with this wait, and keep an eye out for a new story, it will be out sometime in the next month. For now though, I'll catch y'all on the flip side of Wattpad. DEUCES!!

--868 Words

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