33a. 'only us' / soulmates 2.0

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another soulmates concept but a different one! :)  - completely unrelated to the last soulmates imagine series

about: you have a connection to your soulmate through music and singing. basically, whenever your soulmate sings, you can hear it too and vice versa.

I'm so excited to say that this imagine is made especially for all MY THEATRE KIDSSSS!! the main focus is around the reader having a music taste of musicals (hence, "only us", as in 'dear evan hansen'). you don't have to be a musical fan, of course, I just thought it would be good because everyone has such different tastes but if I do it this way I can incorporate tons of different songs and musicals as one genre/music taste. plus my fellow theatre kids/nerds deserve more appreciation :D

ALSOOO I'm so excited that this one will be in TWO POVs!! there'll be some from your perspective and some from peter's

anyway, I hope you enjoy this, as you can probably tell I'm superrrr excited :))

a/n update - this series is gonna be SO CUTE get ready omg

words: 2,015

Y/n's POV (these will be in 2nd person)

You didn't hear much on the other end.

Whilst many of your friends went on and on about how often they'd hear their soulmates singing or screeching lyrics to their favorite songs, you didn't hear much from yours. There'd be the occasional humming or a few muttered words of a song, but otherwise, nothing.

You didn't know what it was.

Was he shy? Embarrassed? Just didn't like to sing?

Knowing that someone has been listening to your voice every time you sing since the age of 13 can be overwhelming. At first, you didn't want to sing much either. But as you grew up, you realized that this person was your soulmate - out of everyone, surely they should be the one who accepts you and wouldn't judge you based on your singing.

So, you've managed to just sing whenever you want to, not worrying about who was on the other end. Plus, you barely even heard him; it was easy to forget he was there at all.

Peter's POV (his will be in omniscient 3rd person)

She was always there.

During school hours it was generally pretty quiet, but before and after - that was a different story. He'd constantly hear her practically screaming the lyrics to yet another pop song, too many for him to even recognize or place.

Peter knew he was extremely quiet. Part of him felt guilty about it, but part of him also glad.

He was trying to be considerate, after all. Living in a block full of separate apartments with a ton of different people, the walls and ceilings pretty thin, didn't make it exactly appealing to just sing all the time. Plus, he didn't want to disturb his soulmate with his awful voice. She might be fine with it, but he'd rather just leave her be to get on with her day and sing her songs.

Part of him did feel guilty though. This person on his other end probably wanted to hear him sing but was rarely able to. If she didn't know any songs he sang, how could they have their 'moment'?

This was what scared Peter most. In this world of soulmates, each soulmate pair has 'their song' - a song that they hear each other sing a lot and both love; one they can even sing at the same time if they want. When you meet your soulmate and properly look at each other for the first time, you both have your 'moment' where you hear the chorus of that song, loud and clear, in your heads. That's how you know who your soulmate is.

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