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 "You don't mean that." Jean said as he tried to rationalize with Queen Historia.

"We both know that no one will ever replace Eren in Mikasa's heart." Jean continued as Historia was listening.

"I am just worried about her. She's my friend too, and I think she might need someone to be with her always. Someone who be with her so she doesn't drown herself in sorrow." Historia paused and thought for a while.

"You're right, no one would replace Eren in her heart. What am I thinking?" Historia said ashamed of herself.

"Don't worry. We are all here for her, me, Armin, Connie and even Captain Levi. We are all grief-stricken because of Eren sacrificing his life just to free us all. But of course Mikasa is the one who is greatly hurting." Jean said.

They left the palace and went to Mikasa's mansion. They are all in awe with the beauty of the house. The mansion is very spacious with 12 bedrooms, the spiral staircase is in the middle of the house. The huge chandelier accentuates the high ceiling.

"Whoa, this is such a beautiful house." Connie said. "We have exactly the same house right?" He said in disbelief.

"This is beyond what I asked for. I just wanted a small house in the prime area of the city. Yet, Queen Historia gave us a 3 hectare land and a charming house." Jean said roaming around checking out every room.

He turned to Mikasa and saw that it did not change her mood. She's even in more despair now than she was earlier. "What good is it to live in a huge house but live alone?"

She imagined what could life have been if Eren was with her in this house.

"We'll stay with you for a while Mikasa." Armin said. "If you like us to be here."

"You can stay. Choose whatever room you'd like to use." She said as she went upstairs and locked herself in the bedroom.


For several months, Mikasa would visit Eren's grave everyday. Jean would sometimes join her. He knew that it will probably take years before Mikasa's pain would go away. "Why can't I forget him?" She turned to him, tears running down her cheeks.

"Mikasa, you will forget the pain, but never Eren." He said as she leaned on his shoulders, still weeping.

"Eren wanted you to live and be happy. Maybe it's time that you do what will make you happy." She lifted her head and just listened as if realizing something.


Jean hurried as prime minister Armin called him and all the high ranking officials in an emergency meeting.

"Queen Historia decided that we would take in all the Eldians in Marley." Armin said as he holding the meeting around all officials. Soft mumblings surrounded the hall as if some of the officials are apprehensive about the idea.

"The Eldians in Marley are still suffering terrible discrimination even after everything that happened. We can't just let them live in that kind of situation anymore." Armin said.

"What does the queen want us to do?" One official asked.

"We'd be transporting them using our battle ships and planes. We will need military forces in case Marley resist to let them go." Armin said.

"Where will we place these people? Don't we have a lot of mouths to feed already?" Another older official asked.

"We have allotted a land already where we will build housing for all of them." Armin continued. Murmuring did not stop even after Armin have given the details.

"Gentlemen, what's with the commotion?" Jean said in his authoritative voice. Everyone in the room paid attention to him as he speak. "Eldians from Marley are also are kind, we know how all Eldians agonized because of the curse of the titans. We are in a good place now. Our resources have tripled. Our harvest is nothing like we have experienced before. Our trade partners have increased in number. Why don't we open our hearts for our brothers who are still in deep oppression?" He stated and his words seemed to have convinced most of the officials.

"Now to help us with our plan of rescuing the Eldians in Marley, let me introduce you to the esteemed warriors, who fought side by side with us in the battle of heaven and earth." Armin said, standing as he opened the door. Reiner was the first to step in, then Annie.

Jean's heart was beating fast as he was waiting for Pieck to come in. Then, there she is. As small as she is, came in wearing a scout regiment uniform giving an Eldian salute. His heart skipped a beat when she smiled at him after she caught him staring at her for a long time. Jean pulled up a chair for her to seat on. She smirked at him and said, "Good day, General Kirstein." 

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