The Final Chapter

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Pieck wept, worrying why her father suddenly couldn't walk or stand. She stayed in the hospital forgetting that she is supposed to come back to Jean's house.

"I have to tell Jean, so he wouldn't think I ditched him again.

She sent her assistant to give him the message. He returned to Pieck saying that Jean is not home, but the message was received by his servant.

A day has passed and Pieck hasn't heard of Jean. It's been stormy the whole day and she began thinking of how he is and if he received the message. She thought that Jean would hurry to the hospital if he found out about her father's condition. She knew Jean is always present or at least tries to do something when she has a problem.

But this time, it's different. She hasn't heard of him. She grew anxious thinking that something might have happened to him. She wanted to visit his house, but the wind and rain are too strong, making it dangerous to go outside.

"Ms. Finger, I'm Doctor Waltz." A doctor entered the room and greeted her.

"Good day, doctor. So what's the diagnosis for my father's condition?" She asked concerned.

"Nothing to worry about. We ran some tests and found that his potassium is really low. It could be the cause his loss of strength making him unable to stand. We will just infuse potassium for the next 48 hours and hopefully he gets better." The doctor stated.

She sighed in relief realizing that it is nothing serious. Now it's Jean she's worried about.


Day by day, her father's condition becomes better as infusion of medication continued. Now that she could see that her father can sit up and walk slowly on his own, she decided to go to Jean's home. It's been a week and she hasn't heard of him.

"What could have happened to him? Did he decide to ditch me? Does he hate me that much not to send me a single message?" She thought. "But he said he loves me before he fell asleep on the night we were together"

As she's about to walk out of the hospital, she bumped into Reiner who's still catching his breath.

She's surprised to see him, "Reiner, what are you doing here?"

"Pieck, thank goodness I found you. Sorry, it took me a while to get here. I searched for you in 5 hospitals. Then, I realized, it's best to ask your assistant." He said still panting.

She could sense the urgency in Reiner's voice. "Reiner, what's going on?"

His face shows dread and fear. He couldn't utter the word he's supposed to say.

"Damn it, Reiner! Get a grip. What do you want to tell me?" She said already frustrated because she's has a gut feel something terrible happened.

"Jean..." he paused.

"What about Jean, Reiner tell me!" She's almost screaming.

"He had an accident. You better see him now. He's been in a hospital but they brought him home today." Reiner said. Without answering him, she ran and borrowed a horse from a person she does not even know. She's not really into riding it fast, but this time is not the time for her to be afraid of speed.

She wants to see Jean—to know if he's okay. She began being guilty and regretted that she did not tell him how she feels. Instead, she hid her issues in their relationship and left him. She resented the days that she did not spend with him because she ran away.

The Aftermath Jean x PieckTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang