Chapter 1

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Walking down the street of Indianapolis I made my way through the crowds of people. It is winter so I am wrapped in a scarf, coat, and boots. I huffed out white puffs of air as I shifted my bag in a more comfortable position on my shoulder and I continued on my way to a small coffee shop. My shift at the music store had just ended, and I had loads of home work to finish.

Opening the door I was hit with the smell of coffee. I made my way across the shop and to the register.

"Can I take your order?" A woman in her mid twenties with brown hair tied in a bun looked at me.

"I'll have a decaf please."

"1.25" I opened my bag and pulled out the payment and handed it to the woman. She smiled at me as she set out to make my coffee.

I looked around and found a spot nestled in the corner. Quickly walking over I sat my bag down and pulled out a few papers.

Behind me the woman who took my order called out my name, "Rhea!" I hustled over and gathered my coffee.

"Thanks," I murmured. Sighing I walked back over to my corner and nestled my self in. I would probably be here for about two hours since my mother is not going to be home until 7:30 and it was already 5:00.

I flipped open my math book and began writing my equations. I stayed nestled in my coat because of the amount of people coming and going created a rush of cold air.

An hour had passed when I was suddenly interrupted from my homework trance. A boy with shaggy black hair and blue eyes had tapped on the seat across from me.

"Is this seat taken?" His voice was deep but gentle.

"No" I said.

"Cool," he flashed me a wide grin of white teeth. I continued my work.


My eyes widened at the sudden use of my name, "um yea?" I looked up to find the boy staring at me intently.

"We need to talk."

"Um what about?"

"Your wings"

I coughed, "My what?"

"Your wings" he repeated.

'I must be going deaf' I thought to myself.

"Your not going deaf," my mouth dropped.

"This isn't happening," I quickly stood up and shoved my work back into my bag. He reached up for me and as he touched my hand an image of me as a child with white wings covered my vision.

"Don't you see?" He stared at me intently. I laughed as though the image never occurred.

"I have no idea, what you are talking about, excuse me" I wrenched my hand from his strong grasp and quickly left the scene. As I walked outside black feathers began to fall from the sky. Looking around the boy from early was back.

"You can't hide from your destiny." His voice echoed behind me as I took off down the street. The flapping of wings pursued me. I picked up speed, trying to out run whatever beast was behind me.

"I will find you, just remember this I have no intention of hurting you, Rhea." His dark voice echoed through my body and sent chills down my spine.

I stopped as the sound of beating wings ended. I looked around and behind me I found the boy, but behind him were black wings stretched out to the sky. He took off into the sky as his wings pierced the air.

I stood there dumbfounded.


I walked back to my apartment. Sticking the key into the door I turned it until I heard a faint 'click'. Stepping into the living room I threw my stuff down, and untangled myself from my scarf and coat.

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