Chapter 8

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Character Descriptions! Yay!


Long brown curly hair. Emerald green eyes and light tan skin. Stands at a height of 5'4 with white wings that have pale purple spots. Things do not often surprise her or scare her. She has a deep connection with Warner, and is very open to him since the have a loving relationship. Is an only child, with a dead mother. She has a wingspan of 6 feet, causing them to drag. She shares the same feelings as Warner. ((Age 17))


Black shaggy hair that covers his eyebrows. Blue eyes and pale-ish skin. His height is 5'9, with black wings. He is second command in the army and is one of the best fighters. He often teaches battle strategies to the army. Deeply in love Rhea, he aches for the war to be over so he can be with his loved one. He is often quiet but enjoys to joke around. His wingspan is 6 feet and 5 inches. He has both parents and a 5 year old brother. ((Age 18))


Straight light blonde hair, that reaches down to her shoulders. Tan eyes that match her skin tone. She stands at the height of 5'3, with golden wings. Medic in training she often spends her time in the library looking for books on medicines. She's curious and can be loud when she wants to. Hunter and her have a close relationship that is blossoming into something else. She has a wingspan of 5 feet and 4 inches. Has a older brother in the army and her father is dead. ((Age 17))


Short brown hair. Hazel eyes, with lightly tanned skin. He is 5'9 with dusty brown wings. Hunter is outgoing and loud. His sense of humor can be annoying at times, but everyone enjoys it. He is starting to realize how much he is in love with Talia. He has four older brothers and two older sisters. His brothers are in the army alongside Hunter. Both his parents are still alive. His wingspan is 6 feet and 3 inches. ((Age 18))


Rough scaley red skin. He has the ability to change his size but prefers to be in his smaller form. Has stayed with Rhea his entire life, due to the fact that he is her familiar. ((Age is unknown))


I slowly opened my eyes as Warner nudged me to wake up.

I groaned, "can I just sleep?"

"Nope," he gave me a wicked smile.

"Warner?" My eyes widened as he continued to smile. Reaching out for my stomach he began to tickle my sides and stomach. Laughing I moved frantically trying to untangle myself from him.

"S-stop p-please!"

"What?" Warner laughed.

I screeched, "Stahp!!"

"Ok, but you better get up," he glared playfully.

"I'm going, I'm going!" I swung my legs over the side of the hammock. I was soon followed by Warner who wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Your only delaying me you know?" I glanced at him sideways. Sighing he let me go.

I trotted into the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth. Reaching behind me I tried to brush out my feathers but couldn't reach them.

Poking his head in Warner stared down at me, "need help?" I nodded as he came closer. As I brushed my hair, Warner softly arranged my feathers.


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